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Louis sits up straight in bed his breathing ragged, he's paralysed as he hears Harry and Scott race past his bedroom door. The sound of the doorbell still ringing in his ears.

Louis finds the courage to get out of bed and make his way slowly down the stairs, his breathing heavy. Scott and Harry have their guns out, the door is open and Murdock and Lucas  are on the porch talking to them

He then sees more patrol cars heading up the driveway.

"Louis stay there" Scott says.

Louis is scared shitless and doesn't want to be left alone, in his sleepy haze he's worried. He can feel his heart going a million miles a minute.

"Scott, please, don't leave" Louis says, as Scott looks towards him, he sees real fear and innocence.

Louis sees Murdock and Lucas leave and  men run into the forest while, Drew and Edward make their way up onto the porch, they are all standing looking at something on the ground.

Louis moves towards the porch and walks past Scott to see what they are all gathered around. When he sees it he has to physically stop himself from throwing up.

On the porch is an evidence bag, with clothes inside, covered in blood

"Those are mine" Louis manages, his voice horse as he looks straight at the package

"The clothes?" Drew asks in confirmation.

Louis nods as Scott comes up behind him

"Were these stolen recently Louis?" Harry asks

Louis shakes his head no

"Then wha...." Edward starts confused

"That's my blood" Louis says shakily

The boys look towards each other puzzled and worried, Louis is about to have a severe panic attack.

"Lou, kiddo" Drew says trying to understand

"Those are the clothes I went missing in, I never saw them again, when I woke up I was covered in blood and I only had my boxers on" Louis says

The boys look to each other in worry

"Shit" Harry curses under his breath

Louis then rushes back inside to the downstairs bathroom, where he closes the door and brings his stomach up.

The boys watch him go anxiously

"We need to get this to forensics, see what DNA they can bring up, make sure the blood matches Louis" Harry says

"We will handle it, you stay with Louis" Edward says

"Let us know what you find" Scott says and Drew and Edward nod

Scott and Harry make their way back inside, they close and lock the door and go to find Louis.

"Louis?" They call out

"I'm fine" Louis says as he finishes throwing up. He flushes the toilet and brushes his teeth.

He opens the door to Harry and Scott leaning on the door frame. He hadn't realised before but they are both shirtless and in sweats and look hot as anything.

"You okay?" Scott asks

"Uh huh, yep, I'm fine" Louis says as he walks past them both, trying to hide his shaking hands. His breathing picks up again

"Louis, darling" Harry says

"Come sit down" Scott says

"I'm fine" Louis says

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