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Louis is settling down on the couch with his tea when he hears Harry and Scott knock on the door. Right on 6pm

Louis opens the door to them, bags packed and Harry holding a pizza box.

Louis moves aside to let them in.

"We brought dinner" Scott says smiling

Louis half smiles as he shuts the door.

"Where should we put our stuff?" Harry asks

"Well, you know there's two spare rooms, one down here or one upstairs next to mine" Louis shrugs, there's no point in arguing with Harry and Scott they will sleep where they want anyway.

Louis then turns to the door to make sure it's locked and secured and the alarm is set and cameras are working.

"We will take the one next to you" Harry says as he puts the pizza on the bench and he and Scott put their bags in the corner near the stairs to take up later

"Have you eaten?" Harry asks as he and Scott make their way to the kitchen and start grabbing plates. Scott then brings a few shopping bags over and Louis watches on as he fills the fridge with food and drinks.

Harry raises an eyebrow at Louis

"Um...I'm not hungry" Louis says as he looks to Harry

"That wasn't my question sweetheart" Harry smirks out

Scott then closes the fridge and turns around to stand next to Harry, a smirk on his face as well. He passes Harry a beer and looks to Louis.

"Would you like one?" He asks Louis as he holds up his beer.

Louis shakes his head no

Harry and Scott grab some pizza, put it on a plate and Harry hands a plate to Louis as they pass him and sit at the dining table.

Louis can't help but sigh, his chest aches, it's just like old times, but he has to remember they aren't his friends. They are here to do a job.

Scott gets up and goes to the cupboard to grab a glass, he needs a water before he has his beer.

"You moved the cups?" Scott asks when he opens the top right cupboard

Louis looks to Scott

"Bottom left" Louis says quietly

Scott grabs a glass, fills it up and goes to sit next to Harry again. They both raise an eyebrow at Louis still standing in the same spot.

"I'm not hungry" Louis says as he places his plate back on the kitchen bench.

He then walks out of the room to head upstairs, he turns around as he reaches the stairs

"There's fresh towels in the ensuite, toothbrushes too, if you could just make sure the doors locked before you go to bed, that would be great. See you in the morning" Louis says and he turns around and heads upstairs

"Lou!" They both call but he doesn't listen and just makes his way to his room.

Louis finds it so awkward, but it's his fault it's awkward, if he hadn't have become dependant on them like they said he was, if they hadn't have felt suffocated maybe they would want to be friends with him.

Louis doesn't care anymore, he's got more important things to worry about. He has a shower, changes and hops into bed. His nightly routine gone out the window. He feels anxious about it, but there is no way he's going downstairs while Harry and Scott are there. He just has to find a way to get through the next few weeks as painlessly as possible.

Louis tries to read, he hears Harry turn on the football and Scott come up for a shower, they then swap over and Scott turns on a crime show. They then both watch tv until about 9:30, they then come up to bed. Louis hears his door open and pretends to be asleep as Harry and Scott both check on him.

He's surprised they even care to be honest, and even more surprised that Scott puts his book on the nightstand and Harry turns out the bedside light.

When Louis is alone he sighs, he's so confused, he tries to fall asleep, he notices though, that he feels safe, completely safe for the first time in ages, knowing Harry and Scott are right next door.


"He hates us" Harry says as they get ready for bed

"Well, we did just abandon him, we completely ghosted him. I'm not surprised" Scott says

"Yeah but I thought us being here again, he might open up a little, feel safe enough to have things go back to the way they were" Harry says

He and Scott slide into bed, the bed is like a cloud and the boys sink into the mattress. The guest room is huge and the window to the left overlooks the backyard and the forest, it's beautiful, especially when it's raining like tonight.

"Give him some time H, there's a lot going on right now and our focus needs to be on keeping him safe" Scott says

"Yeah I get it, I know" Harry says with a hint of anger.

Scott sighs.

"Listen babe, I want to make it up to him too, I want to apologise and tell him why we left and that we have feelings for him. I do, but we have to go slow and do our job first. We're on the same page when it comes to Louis, but making sure he isn't a target is what we need to focus on right now" Scott says as he kisses Harry on the side of the head.

"Yeah, I know" Harry says sighing.

"I want him Haz and we will get him, just....when he's ready and the time is right" Scott says

Harry kisses Scott and they both settle down in bed, hoping they have an uneventful night.

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