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It takes a good two hours to get a search team together, the conditions proving dangerous. Tents and floodlights are put up, with maps and equipment, ready to send in the team

Harry and Scott, Drew, Edward, Noah, Sammy, Amy and two fire fighters Jason and George head out into the forrest. The flood lights providing enough light for a few hundred meters.

The rain has eased off a little thankfully and the sun is due to rise within the hour, so hopefully they can have some more light soon.

"Louis" Harry yells into the still forrest, hoping to get a response.

They spread out in a long line to cover as much ground as possible but still together enough to see each other.

They take turns in yelling Louis name over and over. They get nothing in reply but they keep moving.

By the time the sun rises they are pretty deep into the woods. They are starting to lose hope as it starts to rain again.

It's then that Scott finds one of Louis vans

"It's 100% Louis, we know his shoes, size 8 this is his, he can't be too far" Scott says

"Louis!!!" They yell once again but still get nothing.

"Shit" Harry says and he then races forward, he can see something on the ground up ahead. Scott follows Harry closely and what they see turns their stomachs upside down.

Louis is laying on the ground behind a log, he has blood all over him and is so pale and his lips blue.

"Over here" they call as they kneel down next to Louis

"Louis, baby, can you hear us" Harry says as he tries to find any signs of life

"He's breathing, Thank god, he's breathing" Harry says as he checks his breath and pulse

"Lou darling, wake up for us" Scott says as he reaches out to try and rouse Louis

Sammy and Amy then make it to Louis and bring out the thermal blankets first

"Let's get him warm first, he's been out in the elements all night" Sammy says as they put the blankets over Louis.

"Let's get a drip in and fluids. Looks like he's lost a bit of blood" Amy says as she moves to put a line in Louis.

It takes a few goes but she gets one in.

"We can't get the stretcher down here, we need to move him and get him to the hospital" Sammy says

Louis then stirs on the ground as Amy fits an oxygen mask over his face

"Thank god, Lou, it's okay, relax you're safe we've got you" Scott says as he tries to reassure Louis.

Louis completely freaks out though, he's disorientated and doesn't know what's happening.

"He's going to kill me" He says upset as he tries to shake all the arms off him.

"He's not darling, we've got him Lou, you're safe sweetheart" Harry reassures

"No....let me go, please" Louis cries.

The boys hearts break, Louis sits up and pulls the mask off his face

"Just relax baby, it's okay, it's all okay" Scott says.

He gets behind Louis and brings him back against his chest, Louis is absolutely soaked through

He struggles in Scott's arms as he cries

"Shhhh, darling shhhh, it's all okay now, we're here, we've got you" he and Harry reassure as they try to calm Louis with their gentle  touches and words

Louis comes back to reality a little as he registers his pain. He begins to calm down in Scott and Harry's arms

"That's it baby, just relax, we're here" Harry says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead.

"Louis, Bud, we need to get you to a hospital okay, can you tell us if you're hurt anywhere?" Sammy asks

"I'm cold" Louis says as he begins to shiver

"We know kiddo, these blankets will help" Amy says as she puts them back over Louis gently

"Louis, I need to check you over can I do that? I'll be so gentle okay" Sammy says

Louis breathing is heavy by he nods his okay.

"Good boy Lou" Harry and Scott say.

Sammy does her best to determine Louis injuries

"Blood loss is coming from the back of his upper arm" Sammy tells Amy when she finds his jumper cut open and a nasty cut on his arm

Sammy cuts the rest of Louis jumper sleeve open and sees a horrendous cut to the bone on the back of his arm

"Louis hun, this is a really bad cut. I'm just doing to wrap your arm up okay" she says gently

Louis then realises why his arm has been throbbing..

"I...cut it on the glass, I had to get out, I broke the window" Louis says as his breathing picks up again

"It's okay, it's all okay, you did really good Lou" Amy tells him

"Amy's right Lou, you are so brave darling" Harry says

Sammy finishes wrapping up Louis arm when Louis starts to deteriorate. He's lost a lot of blood and has signs of hypothermia, his pulse is weak and he's clearly exhausted.

"Okay Lou, we're going to get going back to the ambulance okay" Amy tells him.

They all help Louis stand up, and he sways on his feet before he's buckling over. Harry catches him and picks him up bridal style

"Lou, we need you to stay awake okay, you need to keep your eyes open until we get to the hospital okay" Sammy tells him

"I'm so tired" Louis says as he lets another tear slip

"We know baby but you're doing so well, it's not far okay" Harry says reassuringly

Harry didn't realise how small Louis actually was, he's so light and Harry carry's him with ease through the forrest.

Sammy and Amy cover him with the thermal blankets as best they can. Scott holds Louis drip above his head the whole way back and Amy and Sammy monitor Louis pulse and breathing all the way back to the tents.

As soon as the break the clearing, there is a stretcher waiting for Louis and Harry places him down on it gently.

Medical jargon is thrown around and Louis is so scared and nervous and loses sight of Scott and Harry. He focuses on the clouds and the sky and the rain he feels on his face, his body shaking like crazy as people shout things around him. He doesn't realise the emergency surrounding him, the panic as his eyes close. He can hear people calling his name but he's so tired he can't respond. He just gives in to the tiredness, he has to.

Scott and Harry panic at what's happening, Louis is loaded into the ambulance and they are left behind. They need all hands on deck to make sure Louis makes it to the other end.

The squad watch on as Harry and Scott lose it and cry, watch on as the strongest, coldest, arsehole detectives break and they can't help but feel their pain. It's silent as they watch the ambulance speed off, sirens blaring down the street. The rain pouring down on them all.

"Let's get you two to the hospital" Drew says as he comes up and comforts Harry and Scott

Edward and Drew lead them to their squad car and get to driving them straight to Louis, hoping he's okay when they get there.

Taken Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora