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"Bingo" Harry calls as he finds something two hours later

"What did you find?" Scott asks as they all gather around Harry

"Stanley has a twin brother, Vincent, I can't find much on him, his birth was registered but it's like he didn't exist. He didn't register for school or anything" Harry says

"Let's dig up some past friends of Stanley, people he grew up with and went to school with. Maybe we can find someone who will talk" Scott says

The boys nod and get to work, they will get a list together and send some teams out to dig up anything they can find.

"Let's get you home Lou, it's getting late" Harry says

Louis nods around a yawn, he is just grateful the boys listened to him and they have some leads to work with.

Harry and Scott walk Louis to his car on the street before they will go get theirs from the carpark.

"Drive carefully okay, we will be about five minutes behind you" Scott says as he kisses Louis.

"Okay, see you at home" Louis says and the boys smile.

"I like the sound of that" Harry says and Louis blushes, he likes the sound of it too. When the case is over, Louis is hoping they are all on the same page and Scott and Harry might not want to move out.

Harry and Scott watch Louis drive away and they head back to their rover

"I'm worried" Harry says as they walk back to their car

"Me too, I think we should be sending Louis out with an escort from now on" Scott says

"Agreed, we might need to consider moving Louis too, maybe we should bring him back to the apartment for a while" Harry says

"I was thinking the same thing, it's his home though, he built it to feel safe and after everything, him changing location might bring a lot of anxiety" Scott says

"Yeah, you're right, we should talk to him about it though. We could hire security or something if he'd prefer that" Harry says

The boys agree and reach the Rover and hop inside

"We should pick up take away on the way home" Scott says

"Yeah, good idea" Harry says as he pulls out of the carpark, the boys order pizza and when they pick it up they are just getting back onto the road when a call comes over the police scanner.

"Sierra Oscar 6120 requesting an ambulance and crash investigation onsite, car was forced off the road, one male injured, hit and run" the officer says

Harry and Scott look towards each other, an uneasy feeling in their gut

"Received 6120 can I confirm location?" The operator responds

"Corner of Spark and Chestnut" the officer replies

"Shit, that's the bottom of Louis street" Scott says as they turn their sirens on and speed through the street to Louis house

By the time Scott and Harry have arrived at the scene Louis is sitting on the side of the gravel road that leads up to his street, his car in the
ditch to the side, completely mangled and wrecked. The fire brigade just having pulled Louis out of the car

"Louis" Harry and Scott yell as they race towards him

Louis looks up, he's got a nasty cut on his head and looks extremely shaken and in shock

"What happened" Harry asks as he and Scott kneel down in front of Louis and reach out to comfort him

"Ummm, I was side swiped off the road, he was following me.... from your office" Louis says as he winces and reaches for his forehead.

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