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Louis wakes up sweating and screaming, he sits up in bed trying to breathe

"It's okay Lou, relax you're safe, everything is fine, you're safe" Scott reassures as he tries to calm Louis

"Another one?" Andy asks as he comes into the room again, Louis oxygen levels notifying him of an emergency

"Yeah" Scott and Harry say regrettably

"Lou, I'm just going to swap out your oxygen in your nose for the mask okay, just relax" Andy tells him

Louis has trouble catching his breath back due to the pneumonia.

"I don't want it" Louis fights, he's still trying to calm down

Harry gets behind Louis, knowing that's how to calm him down quickly, he pulls Louis against his chest and holds the mask to Louis face

"Just breathe, it's okay" Harry tells him

Louis gives in and finally relaxes, his heart rate going back to normal again

"That's it Lou" Andy says

It's quiet for a little while, Andy watching Louis stats to make sure they stabilise, it takes a little longer as this is Louis third nightmare in four hours

"I'm so tired" Louis says upset

"I know kiddo, is it the same dream?" Andy asks

"No, sometimes he kills me, sometimes he kills Harry and Scott" Louis says as he grips Scott's hand tightly

"It's okay, I'm here, Harry is here, we would kick Stanley's arse before he got anywhere near any of us okay" Scott says trying to lighten the mood

Louis half smiles

"I'll give you a stronger sedative so you can have a good rest okay, you won't dream" Andy says

"Can I have them forever?" Louis asks cutely and they chuckle

"We can see what Kim says about such things hey" Andy winks at Louis.

He gives Louis a sedative and he's out like a light thankfully

Harry and Scott lay Louis down and tuck him back into bed, hoping to get some sleep before he wakes again.

Louis nightmares don't ease up much, even talking to Kimberly only helps so much. It's starting to take a toll on his recovery and Louis becomes distant with everyone.

"Louis, kiddo, I want to talk to you about something" Andy says a week and a half into Louis stay at the hospital.

Louis is just lying in bed looking out the window, watching the rain fall down.

Louis looks towards Andy and sighs, he slowly sits up in bed and Andy sits opposite him.

Harry and Scott are tidying the room up and folding Louis clothes

"Boys, I'd like you to be part of this decision too" Andy then says looking at Harry and Scott

They stop what they are doing and move towards the bed, sitting next to Louis

"What's wrong?" Harry asks Andy concerned

"Nothing Haz, just, we all know Louis isn't doing the best being here, the nightmares are still consistent, his anxiety is through the roof. Physically I would like Louis to stay a few more days, his arm is still a little infected but, I think it's better if he continues his recovery at home" Andy finishes

Louis perks up at this news

"Really?" Louis asks

"Really" Andy says smiling

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