chapter 1

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"Kiana, take care of this paperwork for me. Pass it out, I have to go attend to some things. I trust you to watch the class." Kiana Terrine, class president and buzzkill, is always used as a 'behavior buffer'. She doesn't mind, because she thrives on academic validation. As long as her grades are good and she's good, that's all that matters. "Alright, Miss." She watched her teacher run out, then started passing out some notes. "Hey, Kiana." She hated this guy. "What do you want, Tom?" "Knock knock." Exasperated, she kept passing out the notes but replied, "Who's there?". "Dunkin." "Dunkin' who?" Tom snickered, and Kiana immediately got it. "Dunkin deeznuts." Kiana and Tom said at the same time. Tom frowned then pointed at her skirt and said, "Why do you always wear the school uniform? Just proves how tasteless you are." "Tom, why do you always have to annoy me? Proves how bitchy you are." Tom's eyes widened. "Woah!" "Suck it up, Thomas the train." The whole class snickered as Tom hung his head in shame and returned to his desk.

Just as Kiana finished passing out the notes, the teacher ran back in. "Kiana! I've got news of a transfer student, please, please! Show her around tomorrow." Kiana hated social interaction, but agreed to help the transfer student. "Oh thank you so much, Kiana! I'll give you a few extra credits, nobody else would offer!" Mission accomplished.

Even if Kiana were to go out partying with the rest, it wouldn't change a thing about her popularity. Because she's the class president, and class presidents, no matter what they do, are always buzzkills. She couldn't blame them for that, she always focused on her work. Thanks to her mother, she was a straight A student and was one of the few to actually study. Mommy issues were developed in the process, but her mother could care less, if she knew.

The teacher handed Kiana some information on the new student. The new girl had short black hair, bottom half dyed red, wore baggy clothes with hair accessories that were too extra, and had a big smile. Unfortunately for Kiana, Rory, the new student, is the type of person Kiana absolutely hates. For the extra credit, Kiana thought. She looked at Rory one last time, sighed, and prepared herself for the next day.

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