chapter 6

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"Kiana. I know you're busy, but here. Take this to the principal." She nodded, walking to the principal's office. She didn't care what the paperwork was, she just wanted it done. Then Tom slid in front of her.

"You're supposed to be suspended." "Nah, my mom got me out of that." Kiana scowled, trying to get through. "Stop bothering me. You almost crushed my leg. Isn't that enough?" "No. It's not."

"What." "I want to hurt you more. Is that believable? Your little friend- oh my bad, girlfriend- isn't here today. So, it's my chance."

"...I'm not dating anybody and I'm not interested in doing this right now." "Aw come on, class prez." Tom shoved Kiana, grabbing the paperwork and stepping on them. "That's not mine, it's the teacher's." "Couldn't care less."

Everybody was watching silently, but nobody stepped in. Nobody alerted the teachers, and only recorded. "Tom-"

"Ouch." "Shut up, whore." "Tsk.." Kiana kept staring at Tom, furrowed eyebrows. Her gaze hardened. "You're asking for it, you know." "I.." Kiana paused as Tom was preparing to swing again. "Tom Henderson!" Kiana looked behind him and saw the principal himself, smoke practically fuming from him. He stomped towards Tom. "Tom, I let you off. I put Kiana at risk just to give you a second chance. You're expelled." Tom's eyes widened. "What! I can't- can't get expelled! Please!" "You just did. Let's go call your mother." The principal dragged Tom away, leaving Kiana with a bruised eye and on the floor. She got up, brushing dust off her clothes. Everybody slowly left, staring at their phones. "The principal apologizes, Kiana. We're so sorry." A teacher exclaimed, running up to Kiana. "It's fine." "We're still sorry." The teacher picked up the ruined paperwork and ran off. That day was a shit day.

Kiana got home and this time, her mother wasn't there at all. Probably at work, Kiana thought. She received a video call from Rory after settling in. "Hey." "Heyy, Kia!!" Her eyes widened seeing Kiana's face. "What happened?" "Turns out Tom didn't get suspended after all. But he did get expelled today." Rory let out a sigh of relief. "You're concerned too much about me. Worry about yourself." "Hey, I wanna come over. What's your address?" "What? No thanks." "Pleaaaasse, with a cherry on top!" "Tch. I'll text you it."

Not long after, Kiana heard the doorbell ring. She went to go open it and Rory jumped into her arms. Kiana sighed, exhausted as she shut the door with Rory's arm over her. "Why'd you ask to come over?" "Why not?" Kiana shook her head, upset. "I wanna go see your room." Before she could reply, Rory was running up the stairs. She followed her with her feet dragging, barely able to carry herself.

"Woah. You're rich. I mean, I knew from your house, but your room's awesome! So cozy!!" Rory exclaimed as she made herself home in Kiana's bed. "You think so?" "Oh yeah! It's so comfortable! And your bed is perfect. I'm starting to understand Goldilocks!!" Kiana sat on the edge of her bed, still. She felt Rory jump up, then put her arms around her. Kiana patted Rory's hand. "So, what went on with Tom?" Rory asked as she put her chin on Kiana's shoulder, arms still wrapped around her. "Oh. He blocked me on the way to the principal's office, punched me, then the principal expelled him and took him away." Rory laughed, her breath on Kiana's neck. Kiana slightly looked to the side, rolling her eyes. "Sounds funny, I shoulda seen it." "Yeah, I guess." Rory suddenly took Kiana's glasses and put them on. "Wow.. I feel bad for you." "I'm just near-sighted, not on the brink of death.." "You're right. I'd be sad if you died." "Yeah, okay." Rory nuzzled Kiana's neck, surprising her. "What are you doing?.. Get off me!" Kiana didn't make a effort to move, but just glared at Rory. "How much do you think a mental hospital enrollment costs, Rory?" "Huh, why?" "So I can enroll you into one." "So funny I forgot to laugh." Kiana scowled and made a point saying, "Right, you're the class clown loved by everybody. Of course." Then Rory grinned, exclaiming, "Loved by everybody? Does that mean you love me too?" "You're pushing your luck. I'll kick you out." "Sorry, sorry! Don't kick me out!" She shouted, coming to Kiana's side, hugging her arm. "You're a bother." Rory put her head on Kiana's shoulder. "A good one." "Bothers are never good, neither are they lovable." Rory snickered, "Yet you love me!" "No I don't."

"Let's meet tomorrow. I'll call you." Kiana rolled her eyes as Rory left, shutting the door.

Later, her mom came home. "Mom, I.. I think.." "Not now, Kiana." Her mother went straight to her room, slamming the door. Kiana was going to say how she thinks she made a friend. She went to bed crying that night, when she didn't want to.

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