chapter 5

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When Kiana went home, it was the same thing as usual. Her mom was listening to the news or on the phone, and Kiana had to go up to her room to escape. She'd then have to study, then just go to bed. That was her daily routine. She didn't use her phone that much, only to contact a few people every now and then.

Kiana was studying when she received a text from Rory. "I won't be at school tmr, suspension for 2 weeks lol, did u forget I hit tom" Before Kiana could reply, Rory wanted to video call. It took a few tries to get Kiana to accept it, but when she did, Rory was frowning. She seemed dizzy and didn't sound right. "You- you don't like me? Yeah." "What? I don't hate you." Kiana furrowed her eyebrows. "But you're so mean to me!" "Deal with it. It's not like I asked you to cling to me." Rory was sitting up straight, staring deep at Kiana as if she could strangle her through the phone. "It's not like I want to leave youuu! Sorry you got hit, though. Tom deserved more pain." Rory was laying down on her bed, holding her face up with her chin. "Are.. are you okay?" "I'm fine. Just sleepy, but bored." "You're sneaky, calling me when you don't go to school tomorrow. Then sleep." "Then tell me goodnight."
"No. Why would I do that?" Rory went close up to her screen, and was pleading. "Why are you begging me to just tell you goodnight? Ask somebody like Leslie." Rory suddenly perked up. "Jealousy I smell?" "No, not jealousy. Concern is what you smell, dumbass. I need to study." "It's just one word!! Goodnight."
"Goodnight." The video call ended and Kiana sighed, rubbing her forehead. She had to continue this worksheet, but that call just to say goodnight took up about 10 minutes of her time.

She finished up what remained and flopped onto her bed, snuggling into her blanket. The same time she was trying to get comfy, her phone got a notification. No surprise, it was from Rory. A voice message. She sounded really sleepy and tired. "Kia, I won't be at school for 2 weeks. I hope you're gonna miss me, bet you will." There was some light laughing at the end, and her voice was soft. Kiana smiled, put her phone away, and fell asleep.

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