chapter 8

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Rory was silent, but her face was completely red. She was in shock. She had let go of Kiana and was staring at her. "I.. I— uhm.. I have to go!" Rory ran out the bathroom.

Kiana exit the bathroom after a few minutes. She was a bit confused, but wanted to reconnect with Rory later. Maybe Rory wanted to stay just friends. If she did, then Kiana just embarrassed herself. She felt a bit sad knowing Rory may have wanted to stay just friends.

"You're late." The teacher said sternly, but then he softened his voice as the class watched Kiana enter. "Is something wrong? Not every day you come in late." "No, I was just in the bathroom." The teacher's suspicious expression showed he wasn't convinced. "Alright. Take your seat, you didn't miss much." She heard the whispering begin. "Oh, she was probably out doing something bad." "She has to be lying!" Kiana ignored them all and just focused on the assignment. She didn't see Rory in her seat.

When she exit, she spotted Rory in a corner. "Hey." She looked up at Kiana and smiled weakly. Her face was a bit red. "I'm sorry. For what happened... in the bathroom." Rory was rubbing her forehead, then faced Kiana. "No, you don't have to apologize. Really. It's just, I need some time to think about it. I wasn't serious on everything 'intimate' I said." "Oh. Yeah, I can wait as long as you need." Kiana had a limit to how much she could wait, but she didn't mention that. "Thank you." Rory's hair clip was falling out of place. Kiana inched a bit closer and adjusted her hair clip for her. When she was done, Rory was staring at her. "T-thanks." She was fidgeting with her fingers behind her back. Kiana nodded and headed to her last class until lunch.

"Hey, hey! My fav student, Kiana!!" Kiana's favorite teacher said as she entered her class. "Hello, Ms. Bell." Ms. Bell smiled at Kiana and told her to go to her seat. As Kiana sat down, Ms. Bell came over. "Kiana, stay for a bit after. I won't starve you, just a few minutes of your time." She nodded and Ms. Bell went back to teaching.

When everyone was out, Ms. Bell stopped Kiana. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Kiana nodded hesitantly. "Alright. I've known you for years. Tell me who that girl was." "Huh?" Kiana eyed Ms. Bell suspiciously. She came up and put a hand on Kiana's shoulder. "Don't fool around with me, girl." She said sternly, but she broke her frown and started grinning. Kiana could almost see the tail wagging. "C'mon, please Kiana. I'm your favorite teacher, aren't I? Besides, you're both real pretty. You guys seem like a good match. But something's telling me that you're not on good terms." Kiana sat down nearby Ms. Bell. "It's not about being on good terms, she needs time to think about it. I'm fine with that, but I'm not sure how long exactly I can wait." Ms. Bell laughed, and as much as it irritated Kiana, she grit her teeth and kept still. "You're a good girl, Kiana. I bet she likes you too, you were just... sudden." She smirked, winking. Kiana stared at her. "Bye." She exit quickly.

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