chapter 4

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When Kiana entered her history classroom, Tom wasn't there. Her history teacher came over and informed her that Tom was suspended for 2 weeks. Kiana nodded and headed to her desk, which had words in hidden places only she could find out about. Words calling her a 'female dog', a whore, a attention seeker, a buzzkill/killjoy, blah blah blah. She couldn't care less. They should just say it to her face. She knew who wrote one of them, though. A girl, Leslie.

At the end of history class, Kiana stopped Leslie. Kiana asked her about the writing, and why she wouldn't say it to her face. "You couldn't beat Tom, but you'd beat my ass if I said it to your face." "That's just because your weaker than me, I basically have no fighting experience." Leslie was frowning and had ran off to her friend group. When Kiana turned around, Rory was there. "Do you feel any better?" Kiana scowled and said, "I'm fine. Stop worrying, please." It's stupid, Kiana thought. "Alright. Oh yeah, when's lunch?" "In a few hours. 1-3 hours." Rory gaped, obviously upset. "So late..?" "It's not like we get starved, it's just the lunch period."

Rory was in a bad mood, but she didn't act any worse towards Kiana. Kiana had free period, and unfortunately for Kiana, so did Rory. Rory followed her around as she did her jobs requested by her teacher. Followed her to the printer, the office, the library, home room, and the cafeteria. Kiana didn't say a thing about it, and listened to everything Rory had to say. About the school, her new friends, her fake friends, wannabes, her classes, her problems, Kiana listened to it all as she wrapped up her work.

"Oh yeah, did you know I'm in love with you?" Rory smirked. Kiana looked her in the eye, deeply frowning. "That's a stupid joke." "It's not a joke, though!" Rory held Kiana's waist as she printed out some papers for her teacher. "You're making me look horrible, we're not even friends." "Aw, c'mon! We're quite literally best friends!" "In only a day? Don't make me laugh." Suddenly, Rory grabbed Kiana and pulled her close. "Then, can we become best friends in a few days?" "If I say we're best friends right now, will you let me leave?" Kiana said with a straight face, eyes narrowing. Rory grinned, letting go of Kiana. She grabbed the printed papers and ran off to give them to her teacher, but Rory was close behind her already.

"Here you go, miss." "Oh, thanks Kiana. You have English next, right? Better get to it, don't wanna be late." Rory overheard and put her arm over Kiana as she exit her home room classroom. "You have English next? Lucky, I have history." "Which teacher?" "Oh, Mr. Kitta." Kiana paused, looking at Rory. "What? What's wrong?" "I feel bad for you. Mr. Kitta is hard." Rory's eyes widened. "Oh..." Then she perked up. "See you at lunch!" Kiana kept a neutral face and headed to her English class, which led to lunch.

At lunch period, everybody was gathering in line, and Rory was right behind Kiana. She kept talking to Kiana about her daily issues, her parents, her sister, her previous school, and more. At this point, Kiana knew almost everything about the girl and her life. She talked real fast but it was also easy to understand. Kiana grabbed her lunch tray as the long line began to move, and sat down at a empty table. Not long after, Rory sat down, at the same table, next to her. But she was quiet. She was eating, but it seemed as if she wanted Kiana to say something. "A lot of people don't like me, and it's based off this one fact. That I'm class president. It automatically makes me a boring person, a person that can't be loved, and it makes me a 'tryhard'." She could tell Rory was intensely listening as she ate. "Uhm, Tom. I've known him for so long, hated him for so long. It was bound to happen. But moving on, I don't have many friends. Nobody really tries to-" Leslie interrupts Kiana by rushing over and sitting across from Rory and Kiana. "Rory! What are you doing over here by yourself? Come sit-" She glanced at Kiana and caught her tongue. "Oh." Rory's gaze hardened. She wasn't eating, but was staring at Leslie. "Yeah, I'm sitting with her. Maybe some other time." Leslie was ignoring Kiana completely, smiling and giggling at Rory. "Okay, yeah right. See ya around, Ror!" Leslie exclaimed, running back to her friends. Rory scrunched her nose. Kiana mumbled, "Ror?" She looked at Kiana and smiled. "I don't know what Ror is, they call me it. Like how I call you Kia, but Kia is actually good. Like how you're soo majestic and-" "Absolutely not." Rory grinned and continued eating her food.

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