just a thing (I am working on stuff I'm trying okay)

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Just curious besides one that I know about have you guys ever seen my fanfic this one in particular like mentioned or recommended on other platforms 😅 because I'm genuinely curious I like giggling about it and fan Girling like I'm famous or something 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It also gives me a conference boost which is always nice👍 I'm just wondering if you have seen any and can let me know so I can see it I'd be very happy and if you find anyone copying my work please feel free to let me know tho I doubt that honestly I'm just never on here I'm always caught up in other things these days but when I'm on here I do my best to write something whether I finish it or not 🌸

Btw I'll do my best to update something soon hopefully

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