letters to a lost love * peter parker

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DESC: •after you leave earth, you and peter keep penpals
tw: mentions of death, skip if needed
1797 WORDS


dear, y/n,

it been exactly 13 hours, 35 minutes and 11 seconds since you left. mr strange suggested writing letters to you so that's what I'm going to do. I miss you a lot and I hope you're having fun on luphom, say hi to miss nebula for me! I hope it's as beautiful as the photographs you showed me and I also hope you're enjoying yourself. tell me all about it.

today, I visited mr strange and mr wong with mr stark. they've came back from their journey to sakaar to do whatever they did. well whatever it was, mr wong lost his cloak so now he just kinda looks half naked all of the time. it's funnier than it sounds, I promise!

after that, ned and I went for coffee with happy. well, happy said he was just there to keep an eye on us, but he sat at the table next to us with his peppermint latte! it's an improvement from sitting across the shop! but we weren't allowed to talk to him.

missing you lots and hope to hear from you soon, with lots of platonic love,
peter xx

dear y/n,

it's been 160 hours since you left, almost a week. i miss you sooooo much and good to hear you miss me too haha. I'm so glad you're having fun in luphom. it sounds lovely, mr stark said that one day I can come visit! tell miss nebula I say hi again! those photos you sent me look amazing, I can't believe the water is actually blue! it matches your skin lol.

today was ok. I just went to school and saw ned and mj. for some reason, people think I like mj and we're secretly dating which is weird cuz she's just a friend. I only like her as a friend. in robotics class, ned made his robot blow up by accident so he had to spend the rest of the day in isolation for endangering other students which was pretty funny. mj and I kept waving at him through the window.

mr stark and the rest of the avengers say hi they're all missing you, not as much as I am though!

missing you lots and hope to hear from you soon, with lots of platonic love,
peter xx

dear y/n,

it's been almost 3 weeks since you left and I figured out that counting the hours only makes me miss you more. so i've stopped that. today, mr banner and I came back from a mission. we had to go and save some civilians from this slightly deranged mutant. it was pretty fun, we work well together.

the photos you sent me from luphom look pretty cool! I wish I could be there with you.

people are still saying that mj and I should go out which I don't think is that weird anymore; maybe I'm just getting used to it? she's a really great girl but she's one of my closest friends so maybe it would be weird and when we inevitably break up i'll be back down to 1 friend. god that sounded selfish. oh god do I have feelings for mj?

anyways, missing you lots and hope to hear from you soon, with lots of platonic love,
peter xx

dear y/n,

I think I do have feelings for mj. she's just so cool and smart and funny! she just says things how they are. she often tells me I'm lame but we know it's in good humour. ned's been telling me to ask her out but I feel like somethings holding me back and I don't know what! what do you think it is? tell me when you write back.

and that story you told me about fighting those aliens sounds so awesome! I wanna fight aliens. did you know the full name for alien is extraterrestrial? you probably did, I mean, you're one yourself, weirdo haha. I still miss your loving insults but I'm getting used to it, I think mj's less-affectionate insults are filling the void lmao.

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