together again * vance hopper

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VANCE HOPPER (the black phone) 2
DESC: reunited after vance's kidnapping
1038 WORDS thought I'd keep it short 😘


being reunited with vance after his kidnapping was the best thing to ever happen to the two of us.

I had watched, sat on the curb beside gwen, wrapped in a grey and rough blanket, as three boys; robin, vance and finney; walked out of the house across the street. vance's and robin's hair were matted with blood and finney's nose was leaking blood. robin supported vance who was limping, his blue jeans ripped and crusted with a coating of crimson.

as soon as my eyes locked with vance's, everything else around is faded away. I shakily stood and let the blanket drop from my shoulders, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I ran towards them. my heart pounded in my ears and my vision became blurred with tears. vance stopped walking as I rushed over and I felt finney's and robin's figures pass me. I crashed into vance and felt his muscular arms weakly wrap around me.

"vance.. vance... my vance... vance, vance, vance," my voice was as weak as my body and shaky and I felt my legs quiver beneath me.

"y/n... y/n... oh my god..." vance buried his face into my hair, taking deep breaths and holding me tighter against him.

and it was like everything wrong in the world was right. the missing piece of my soul slotted perfectly back and a thousand feelings rushed through me. happiness, sadness, relief, love, and an overwhelming feeling of peace. my vance was back.

"hey! over there!" I heard one of the detectives shout. policemen began to make their way over to us. I felt hands trying to pry me away but I fought them, tears streaming as I grabbed fistfuls of vance's jean jacket.

"no, no, no!" I was scared that if I let go, vance would slip away from me again. I couldn't risk losing him again. six months. six whole months. I couldn't go through that again.

and all in a blur, vance and I were parted and he was rushed away from me.

"y/n!" he had called with his hand outstretched. him, robin and finney were rushed into an ambulance as paramedics swarmed them.

a policeman guided gwen and I towards a car as I watched robin's uncle, vance's mum and finney's dad rush out of a squad car.

news vans and their cameramen started bustling in as the police car drove us to the hospital in tow of the three ambulances.


"whaddya want for dinner? we got instant mac'n'cheese, instant noodles, instant ramen... what's the difference?... instant mashed potatoes... instant steak?? an instant fucking 3 course meal??? nah, we can't eat this crap." vance stood by the kitchen cabinets as he read out the list of instant meals. it had been 3 months since the three boys were found and we were all having a movie night - with gwen and I as the special guests - to honour those three months. the boys' respective guardians were doing there own things, and apparently finney's dad and vance's mom were out on a date. finney's dad had become much nicer since the incident, luckily.

"ooh! instant ramen! I love those!" I was sat on the countertop facing vance.

"I know you do, baby, but these can't be good for you." vance held the green and red box in his hand. "besides these are hot and spicy!"

"like you! plus that's my favourite flavour, gimme!" I jumped down and snatched the box from his hand, ripping it open and started to go through the instructions.

"guys? how do we know you two aren't making out in there?"

"robin! just come in!" robin's head popped around the door with a fearful look.

"oh thank god. finney, gwen! it's safe!" the two siblings bounded through the door.

"great! I'm hungry, where's food?" finney's confidence had shot up since the incident, he'd even managed to get himself a girlfriend.

"right, we've only got instant food." vance laid the options out on the countertop as I waited for the kettle to boil.

"dibs on the 3 course meal!" robin called, grabbing the meal and ripping the foil off.

"I'm on the steak," finney said, snatching it away.

"MAC'N'CHEESE!" gwen screeched in excitement and grabbed the box, tearing it open.

"guess I'm having noodles," vance said.

"awww, you two are matching!" robin laughed.

"she's having ramen, dipshit! there's a difference," vance snarled, not wanting robin to be right.

"ramen has noodles," I whispered. vance stared at me with an unamused expression.


with the meals prepared and dvd in place, we all settled on vance's giant couch to watch the movie. we were watching a new movie that came out a couple years ago, the godfather, and it was supposed to be incredible. my dad constantly raves about it and we were all of age - apart from gwen, but I'd keep her safe - to watch it. so we did.

"dude, there's no space for me!" robin had just come back from the toilet and there was no seat left for him on the couch.

"oh damn it. uhm... maybe if finney shuffles up and vance moves over..." I suggest.

"and there's two cm of space for me! not happening. y/n, sit in vance's lap." robin pointed at us.

"fine by me,"
"but i'll squish him!" I protested.

"y/n, baby, i've had moose sit on top of me with his whole body weight before and he's a fucking beast. i'll be fine." and with that, vance pulled you on top of him and shuffled up to the end of the couch. I threw my legs over the arm rest and snuggled my head into his chest. I felt vance place a kiss on my head and the younger kids 'eeww'-ed. "shut up dickweeds! and you gwen!" vance grabbed finney, who was closest, by the shirt and pulled him close. finney just giggled and I placed my hand on vance's shoulder to calm him. in a huff, he threw finney back down. I smiled and kissed the red-faced boy's cheek.

"he's embarrassed, bless him"


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