coffee saviour * jim halpert

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JIM HALPERT (the office) 2
DESC: during his early morning errands, y/n stops a thief from stealing from her favourite store
1455 WORDS


it was early morning and the sun hadn't even risen yet. it was cold and dreary outside, a harsh contrast to inside the store with heating and flickering electrical lights where I browsed the pasta aisle before heading into work.

work; where I had to deal with micheal telling terrible jokes, dwight being and ass, kelly talking my ear off, angela's constant bitching, oscar being a know-it-all. I was annoyed by practically my whole office. but before I went in, I had to run a few errands to pick up pasta for mark and I and I'd be too tired to remember after work.

as I headed up to the counter, a man in a black hoodie with his hood up loitered by the cashier as he rummages in his pockets for spare change. suddenly, he grabbed the packet of cigarettes and the nudie magazine and ran for the shop door which was directly opposite the cash register from across the shop.

just before the cashier yelled "thief!", a girl around my age walked into the store. as the man barrelled straight at her, she took a moment to register what the cashier had called and then propelled her full cup of burning hot coffee onto the man coming towards her.

he stopped dead and dropped his items as the scorching liquid ran down his face as he yelled in pain. he ran his hands over the skin, trying to wipe away the coffee, only to have it burn his hands too. he continued to cry in pain as the cashier hurriedly explained to the 911 operator what had happened. the woman stood stock still, shocked by what had happened.

deciding to help, I placed my pasta on the counter and hurried over to grab his items and return them to the cashier. just as I was about to make it to the interaction, the thief stumbled upwards and blindly swung at the woman.

"watch out!" I called before using my shoulder to knock her out of the way.

the blow aimed at her roughly hit my face, sending me flying further to the right than I already was. I hit the ground with a thud and all the air was knocked from my lungs as where my face was hit burned. I heard sirens outside and rolled onto my back. the woman with the coffee crouched over me, her hands now empty and hovering over me as she worriedly spoke. everything was muffled for a second before all sound came back to me in a rush.

I groaned and placed a hand where I'd been hit hard.

"sir, are you ok?!" she had to yell over the sirens. I sat up with a smaller groan, a hand on my face still.

"yeah, no... I'm good." I muttered.

"thank you so much! honestly, you didn't have to do that. but thank you." she spoke sincerely and I felt myself zone out as I took in her face for the first time.

she was beautiful. her styled, {hair colour} hair shone in the crappy electric lights and her {skin colour} skin glowed like an ethereal angel. her lips looked soft and inviting and perfectly complimented her {eye colour} eyes. she looked at me with innocent worry as if I was an old friend who was sick or something.

"sir? sir. you're gonna have to come with me for a second sir. can you walk?" I watched as the coffee woman was ushered away by a police officer and turned my attention to the one speaking to me.

"uh, yeah. I can walk." I stood up awkwardly and headed over to one of the squad cars with the officer where her partner was writing something on a board while leaning on the roof of the car.

I looked over to the mystery coffee woman who was obviously still quite shocked at what had happened; one arm was wrapped around her middle while the other ran up and down her arm. she spoke with the officer, her answers accompanied by either a nod or shake or her head. she spoke with her hands sometimes before they resumed their previous, comforting positions.

"sir, do you have an emergency contact you would like to call?" the soft voice of the officer handling me cut through my daydream. before I tore my eyes away from the hero of the day, she looked over to me and offered me a small smile. I returned the gesture and looked to my officer.


"is your eye ok?" I looked up from my cellphone where I was texting micheal, explaining the details of why I would be late; and also explaining why it was a bad idea for him to come and find me. there stood the mystery coffee woman, looking a little less pale and a fresh, new cup of coffee wrapped in her hands. the sun had almost completely risen now and the yellow and gold rays bounced off of her face, making it glow more than it already did.

"oh, yeah, stings a little but it should be fine." I shrugged her worrying away and watched her features relax a little.

"thank you again, you really didn't have to take that hit for me," she muttered. for someone who threw coffee in the face of danger — literally — she seemed to be quite a quiet person in normal, everyday life.

"I was heading over anyways, couldn't stand by and watch you get hit!" she nodded as she turned it over in her brain. suddenly, a voice pulled us out of our conversation.

"hi there, you two. I'm so sorry that you had to witness that! I'm clarkson, the store manager. I can offer a 20% discount on every shop in our store and all stores across our chain. also, please feel free to take 3 items for free from our store today as an apology," clarkson read off of a card as he spoke — the words EMERSON'S STORES - CORPORATE printed on a black background in big, white writing — before hurrying off to speak to others who were in the store at the time.

"shall we head inside, then, for our shopping spree?" I joked to the mystery coffee woman.

"we shall." she said with a smile. "I'm, y/n- by the way."

"jim. it's nice to formally meet you." I chuckled. she giggled back. her laughter seemed to warm my heart and my cheeks.


I turned over a set of headphones in my hand before I noticed y/n turning the aisle. she had a bag of peas and a cellphone box in her hand. she browsed the little gadgets the store had and I made my way over to her.

"I really think those pink headphones will compliment those peas nicely," I joked with a serious face, making y/n chuckle.

"no, actually, these are for you!" she said.

"oh really?" I felt a warmness bloom in my chest at her kind action.

"yeah, for your eye," she said, growing embarrassed.

"thanks..." we headed over to the café section and took seats side-by-side at one of the tables. y/n gently reached over and placed the peas on my eye.

"does it hurt bad?" she asked with a worried frown.

"only a little, not much." I tried to seem tough. "here, let me, don't want your arm getting tired."

she smiled as I reached up and took the peas, but my large hand covered hers and we both looked into each others eyes. I felt sparks dancing up my hand as we sat there for a moment.

"hey... can I... get your number? maybe we can arrange a date to get coffee that doesn't taste like police crap." I asked. y/n retracted her hand as I spoke and suppressed a smile.

"yeah, of course! that would be lovely. I don't have the heart to tell the officers that I drink my coffee with creamer." we both chuckled. "I- I need to set up my new cell. I don't want you to have my old number, but I don't really know how to do it, it might take a while..."

"oh, I can help you." I responded quickly.

"really?" she smiled.

"yeah! I help my roommate mark do his every time and he breaks his phones a lot." I said.

"great!" y/n pulled her new phone out and scooted her chair closer to mine. together, we got to work on setting up her new cellphone.

hey, maybe today wasn't such a bad morning...

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