Chapter 1

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Anne power just hit there max her eyes and hair where blue no more. Andries kicked Anne on the stomach cause her to to roll next to the edge of the top of the building. It was caught on live news.
Well now you know where we are let get started

Anne POV
I near the edge of the building I good feel my self trying to sleep but I won't let it. I looked the castle orange light where coming from it. I looked back at the people I could feel loud screams and crying.

Till I saw Frobo come right to me with sprig on his back holding a red paper.

Sprig hopped of Frobo and waved the red paper in his hand.

Sprig got Mr.x's spy glasses on and was about to read the paper till Andries grabbed him. He squeezed him super tight causing sprig to let a crying for help.

"Sprig spri" I was cut off by Andries throw sprig of the the building.

But this time he was falling fast. I could feel my blue powers going three my veins as I sprang up walked a little bit back and ran off the building. "SPRIG BUDDY!" I yelled sprig opened his eyes full to the brim of tears. I was so close to saving sprig till all my power drained. I felt all the pain I felt while fighting Andries come back. I slowly closed me eyes my body preparing die till a hand came around my waist and pulled me up. I looked back a sprig seeing another arm grab him but looked identical.

Instead of falling we we're going up.

We finally got back to the top of the building sprig was next a girl while I was in her arms. I was confused at first till I looked at the girl face to see if was Marcy. But she had 9 eyes I was terrified for not only for myself and sprig but for her. It took a long glance her to see no headdress or helmet was on her just her face. "Andries what did I tell you about trying to hurt Anne!" Marcy yelled at Andries I I was surprised but more surprised about his response.

" sorry my your majesty."

"And why am I made you for hurting her?" Marcy then said looking at Andries sternly " because she is your girlfriend my Lord." Andries so after responded. Sprig lend over to my ear then spoke "your dating the villain?" "No I'm dating Marcy but may" I was cut of again by a pink blur coming straight at Marcy.

I looked back then knew it was Sasha but the cameras focusing on the two punching each other.

I heard Sasha scream from the top of let lungs " give Marcy back Darcy!" That's then i new what was going on Marcy was evening brainwashed or possessed. Buy the looks of it possessed was the correct answer.

Give him backTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang