Chapter 11

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Darcy POV
How long have we been waiting we think a day maybe. We hoped off the throne and walked into the Dungeon.

"So we're bored do y'all want to eat or something we think there some roast ladybugs from yesterday."

"I would like the roasted ladybug." "Aright old frog dude." "I'm not old I'm just old." Did he jus say he's not old but called himself old. We walk out then came back with this huge roasted ladybug and a 4 fours and a knife.

"Hop pop why do I instantly don't feel safe."

We cut the ladybug into 4 pieces "here and here's a fork." We gave everyone a piece and a fork. Humans and frogs are so fucking needy like what happened to the times when you have people locked up and you never feed them.

We walked back up to top of the castle.

What now all the work was done by Marcy. We guess that we have to wait for something to happen.

We look alright kind of blank for the first time.

Anne POV
We flew up up there and Frobo stopped. "Anne I think this is as close as we can get open the door." I nodded my head leaning to push open the door a little.

I slip in followed by Sasha and sprig.

"Alright you and sprig go find where Darcy keep everyone and I'll distract Darcy got it." "Got it."Sasha and sprig started slowly walking off. When they where gone I heard the the sound of malicious giggling.

I pull my sword out,getting ready, and looking around.

"Show yourself I'm not afraid of you." The giggling starts getting louder but there a difference. Her voice it sounds more robotic then human.

What happened to her.

"What do you think we changed in the last day."why is she using first person. "How can I tell you if I can't see you." I circle around trying to avoid my tiredness creaking in.

I moving into the throne room to have a bigger fighting space.

"Aww you can see but where right in front of you." I blinked a few times see what she's talking about. Darcy appeared out of nowhere.

I jolted back then went back to center.

"So what do you think you notice a thing different about us?" I look at her up and down. Same push back hair, same armor same cape, and same weapon laser scythe.

"Well your eye are orange but I seen that before."

"ahh still dumber than a bag of rocks." She disappeared then reappeared on the throne. "Maybe the difference is that where not as merciful as old Marcy was." She maliciously smiled at me which got me shaking a little.

What did she do to Marcy.

"Maybe Marcy gave her body away." That can't be true Marcy would never do that. "Your lying you just putting more thoughts in my head." "Why would I lie if I know it would hurt you." I couldn't move my body tensed up from top to bottom.

"I-I don't care about Marcy I just want to stop you and send everyone home, if it mean Marcy stays in amphibia for everyone's safety then so be it."

"We know that's a lie you do care we can feel it you know that you don't want to send her amphibia to stay forever." Darcy started laughing that only made my tension and shaking worst. "Wait you still love her don't you, your in denial how funny I wished cared." I laughter soon faded many thoughts running through my head.

"We'll time to say my goodbye's it was nice have a short lived nemesis."

Darcy walked over to me holding like a dagger version of Andries laser sword. We she stands right in front of me she hold the dagger up over me.

"Goodbye Anne Boonchuy was never nice knowing you."

I started looking around trying to find a plan but what plan did I come up with nothing. I quickly grab Darcy face a pulled her into a kiss.

I heard the sound of objects drop onto the floor.

I opened my eyes a little to see a shocked Darcy and two weapons on the ground. She pushed me away and fell down.

"I can't believe we just did that omg."

I could see the shocked and unsettling look on Darcy face. "Did I just kiss Darcy and the fact is it's an entity that in my ex's body. WHY DID I LIKE IT!" I turned to Darcy who was looking at me I think I said that out loud.

Let me recap for myself


When I actually got out my thoughts I got see a little bit of normalcy come from Marcy eyes but, the more noticeable was the red on Darcy's face.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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