Chapter 8

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"Alright just be still." Sasha grabbed her sword and got behind me a started cutting it off. Those swords are sharp I think it ripped a little bit of my skin. Sprig looked at me with a shocked face.

"Sasha come see this."

"What is it." Sasha got from behind me and stood next to sprig he pointed to me. "Oh my god. ANNE CAN YOU SEE OUT OF YOUR RIGHT EYE!" I cupped my hand around my left eye it was a little blurry everything looked fainted.

"Why does everything look fainted? GUY I THINK I'M HALF BLIND ON MY RIGHT EYE!"

"Well shit."I looked at Sasha she had an upset face Sasha then grabbed the bag she had on her back and looked through it. "This cloth should high you EYE from the sun till this is all over just take it off with night falls." Sasha handed me a black cloth I rapped it around my right eye.

"Alright we should regroup with everyone else then hatch a plan to grab the music box."

"Sprigs right sash the seem like logical thing to a plus I miss my parents."Sasha look at the both at us the sighed. "All right we can go regroup a plus I don't know how how long everyone else can keep that distraction up." I There was a faint sound of moving.

"Hey dude do you here that it sounds like someone's moving around."

"Yea I heard it to here Anne have you weapons back." Sasha handed me back my usual unsharpened sword back. "We sharpened it a while back for we we are able to give it back to you." "Aw thanks you guys." Strangely I made a goofy smile the amount of time I missed doing that.

"Lets ditch while we still can."

We slowly made our way towards the door we where so close till the sound of a sigh came into our ears. "Sorry Anne but I can't let you leave." Damn it not again there where was second of freezing till that noticeable shiver came to my legs.

"Why can't I leave you don't own me."

The shaking in my legs finally stopped but the all I felt was hurt not like the other times when I was betrayed by the people I thought I could trust with well anything. I just felt hurt the Marcy would stoop this low to have something like sending us to Amphibia where we could have died it one thing that not permanent.

But put an control collar on the one you said you loved the cause them to go blind is another.

"Anne you don't understand just listen." She proceeded to towards me quickly but my sword into place ready to attack. Sasha place a hand in my shoulder "so let me guess Marcy in control not Darcy." I nodded my head slowly I looked back at Marcy she looked pissed she began walking closer to me I swung my sword at her.

I began circling around her making sure not to get close to her.

"Anne I don't want to hurt you." These words made my angry more angry than I ever experienced. "You say you don't want to hurt me but you already have yea I forgave you for the whole amphibia thing but you hurt me in way I didn't thing it was possible. I began tearing up get it together Anne.

I charged right at Marcy I was greeting by a laser scythe.

We clashed our weapons together I heard little shuffles I looked at saw Sasha a sprig moving a little to make sure they stay safe. I looked back a Marcy ignore any face expressions that could be on her face.

"Anne please I love you."

"If you loved me you wouldn't have went to the dark side." "I think that's Star Wars." There was a muffled sound coming from sprig with Sasha shushed him. "Like I was saying if you loved me you wouldn't had went to the dark side." Blue was running through me I used that and any other strength I had in me and pushed back.

Marcy fell backwards drop her scythe.

I pointed my sword straight at Marcy "it's over Marcy we won." I noticed she couldn't make eye contact with me. " come on sash sprig we're done here." We walked to the door while Sasha called for a ride for Frobo I couldn't help but look back at Marcy I felt sick to my stomach.

"Come on Anne we have to go."

"Alright I'm coming." I climbed up on Frobos back making sure to have a strong grip. I look back a Marcy she looked sad she waved goodbye at me I turned my head.

Marcy/Darcy POV

I looked at Anne I slowly but my hand up and waved goodbye Anne looked at me but quickly turned her head away. I walked over to the door and watch Anne get father father away.

 I slammed the door closed.

All felt was sad, angry, confused I ran down the hallways damaging anything I could get my hands on. I stopped and leaned against a wall tears started falling down my face.

I melted down on to the floor 

I just want to world open and eat me up. I banged the back of my head on the wall.

What's wrong with me I say I love her but do I do it right no.

"Darcy I can't do this your on your own." What do you mean you have to keep you end on the deal 

"I don't do anything I lose my girlfriend of my stupid decision and the fact I don't want to lose her."I don't care about your stupid girlfriend you made a deal and you have to keep it or I can kill her you may not have to the guts to but I do 

"NO! I can't let you do that I still care for her." Well think your relationship or her life but there is another option

"What's that?" Oh I take control of you body till the end of your life and you never see the people you love I like what we have know but you never get to take control.

"But Darcy thats where your wrong I can lose anything when I already lost it all. my girlfriend dumped me and hates, me all my friends hate me, and my parents are probably dead do what ever you want to me I don't have anything left to grab on to." Damn you depressed as fuck we will get you into therapy later

Well give you our answer late in the mean time go to bed your body needs energy or it useless to us.

I stood up and made my way to my bedroom I slowly lifted my hand on the door knob and opened the door. I looked at my bed feeling loneliness going at me like train hitting a suitcase.

I walked up to the bed a pulled back the covers.s

I sat down at just looked at the wall "Anne I'm sorry I know this won't fix anything and I know we are over but I hope we can still be friends in the future." I spilled my heart out to a wall how pathetic is that. I lowered my head on the pillow and put my legs on the bed I grabbed the cover and pulled it over my body.

I closed my eyes I wish they could close forever I have nothing left here.



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