chapter 3

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Marcy/Darcy POVo

"Is this really necessary like she going to really hate me even more after this." I spoke to the core. "Yes, she wouldn't listen at frist so I did what I had to." The core said turning around to me looking calmer than I was.

"B-But I just lost my girlfriend of 3 years how are we going to continue the plan!" I shouted looking for a response to my question with a few tears in my eyes.

Like someone you loved for 3 years break up with you it hurts really bad. " That why I have this so know she has to listen." the core said grabbing one of those control collars from behind her back.

I know I should feel bad for doing this to Anne, but I felt happy like if this is the only way to keep Anne then so be it.

I slowly made my way to the core and grabbed the control collar from it then to black room that I was in turned back into my bedroom. I woke up in my bed with Anne next to me I looked in my lap and saw the collar.

I quickly made my way to the window and saw we were still on Earth.

I knew deep down the city should at least know that one of their heroes had fallen and pulse I love drama. I walked back to the bed and picked Anne up then the core started talking to me.

"You welcome." "Welcome for what?" I asked a little curious while making my way down the hall.

"I'm say your welcome because I put Anne in your bed and made you sleep next to her." The core said which made me really flustered I was about to say something, but we were already at the top of the castle.

I looked around for a moment with Anne in my arm passed out.

To be completely honest Make the gem heart take some of her energy really took a toll on her. I scanned the area one last time to make sure the cameras where all on me.

I took a step back and let the core take over.

the core notice there where about 3 new reporters' helicopters in the air.

New reporter: well, we are back on but there seems to be coming going on 

New reporter: it seems our real Villan is a 14-year-old girl the information we got say's her name is Marcy Wu

New reporter: and she seems to be holding someone in her hands ITS OUR HERO Masha point the cameras that them

everyone on the ground looked at the big screens to see what was going on. the only ones who really the most scared where the boonchuys the lifeless looking Sasha and the planter because their last hero has passed out.

Darcy looked around one last time a little on edge with the cameras watching her. "LOOK AT WHO WE HAVE HERE YOUR LAST HERO I GUESS THE GEM OF HEART IS NOT WHAT IT'S LL CREAKED UP TO BE!" Darcy shouted to make sure to microphones on the cameras could hear her.

everything went silent signaling that everyone confused on why she motioned the gem of heart.

"IF YOU MUST KNOW THE ONLY REASON, SHE'S PASSED OUT IS BECUASE I USED THE GEM OF HEART I'M NOT GOING TO GET INTO DETAILE ABOUT THAT STUFF BECAUSE IT'S NONE OF YOU BISSNESS BUT LET'S JUST SAY THE ONLY WAY TO WAKE HER UP IS BY HAVEING THE BOX!" Darcy shouted again. I was about to say something else till I notice Anne was shaking, grunting, and sweating a lot so I let Marcy take control because I don't know how to deal with this stuff.

I was back in control again the first thing I notice was all the cameras in sky looking right at me which made me a little......okay a lot frustrated and I used my power to form an arrow and threw it at one of the cameras.

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