Part 6: Jenna?

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Wooyoung's POV:

We were waiting for another group to perform their song.

5 girls appeared on the stage and started singing, while dancing.

it was so cool song and i liked it.

- wow, they are so cool! hongjoong said and i looked at him.

- yea, they really are co- i stopped talking, when i heard familiar voice.

i looked at the big screen.


I was so shocked.

- OMG, IS THAT JENNA?! hongjoong and others said shocked.

- J-Jenna? i said.

i was almost tearing up, i looked at her and she also did the same.

she immediately broke eye contact and looked somewhere else.

i looked down, as i felt my eyes tearing up.

You are back... It hurts that you think, i am a cheater, but the thing that hurts the most is that you didn't believe me and left me without even saying a word. 

MET AGAIN - Wooyoung FFWhere stories live. Discover now