Part 13: pairing up

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The next day:

ATEEZ and KRAZY were discussing who would be in pairs.

They chose to pair up based on positions.

- I think it would be great if Jenna and Wooyoung sunbaenim paired up. Jiho said.

- No! they both disagreed together.

- I mean- why not? you guys are both main dancers. Hongjoong said.

- Yunho is also a main dancer. Wooyoung said.

- but, i don't want to? Yunho said.

- okay, one pair is chosen. Jiho said and moved on.

- I think Nabi and Mingi would be a great pair as rappers. Hongjoong said.

- i agree. jiho agreed.

Nabi and Mingi looked at each other.

Mingi winked at her, which made Nabi chuckle but she winked back.

- great pair! both of them are flirts. Jenna said, which made others laugh.

- okay, so next pair... uhmm... Jiho started thinking about next pair.

- what about last one, main vocalists pair? San asked.

- who is the main vocalist? Hongjoong asked Jiho and she pointed at herself.

- okay, last pair is also chosen... Jiho and Jongho. Hongjoong said.

- But we also have to perform all together on the stage, you all know that right? Hongjoong asked and others nodded.

MET AGAIN - Wooyoung FFWhere stories live. Discover now