Part 9: I can't have him

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Jenna's pov:

nobody will understand how i'm feeling right now... One side of me wants to go back and hug him, but other one is telling me not to do that, it'll ruin his career. I don't want to make problems to him, i'm so fucking asshole for not even listening to him and leaving. I'm sorry, wooyoung... i'm hurt, i really am and worst part of it is that it's my own fault. I don't deserve you anymore... I'm playing dumb. So dumb. SHIT!

i went near to my members.

- you were gossiping about everything that happened after high school? it took you guys so long. Nabi said.

- Don't be jealous Nabi. Seojun said, while smacking Nabi's hand.

Nabi came near to me and suddenly put her hand on my face.

- You are only mine, you know that, right? she said jokingly.

flashbacks started haunting me.

- you are only mine, you know that, right? Wooyoung asked me.

- aish... you jerk! i said and started smacking him.

wooyoung started laughing.

- you are so cute, when you are pissed off. he said, while pinching my cheeks.

- back to earth, Jenna kim. Jiho said and realization hit me.

- oh, i spaced out for a second. i said.

- why? Nabi said while smirking.

- i was thinking about-... ohh, do i really have to explain this? I asked and others nodded.

- i won't. i said and smiled.

- do you have crush on someone? Lana asked while raising her eyebrow.

- No! i answered. 

- Do you love someone? Jiho asked and i couldn't answer the question.

- ooooohh.... they all started teasing me.

- but... i can't have him. i said and looked somewhere else.

- what do you mean by that? Nabi asked.

- I'll answer your questions at home. i said and they all nodded.

I am sorry, Woo... i know sorry won't fix anything what i have done, but those are only words i can say right now... You were almost mine and that "almost" breaks my heart. But, maybe that's all we will ever be and still i'm not moving on, i just can't!! No matter what you do or what i do, some part of me will always be stuck on you. I wish you knew how much this hurts... But, no, i don't. It would be too embarrassing to have you know that i cry at night and that i relate all the songs to you. I guess, I'll never stop loving you and that's my fate. - Jenna Kim

MET AGAIN - Wooyoung FFWhere stories live. Discover now