Part 8: disappointment

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Hongjoong sighed and looked at Jenna.

- Wooyoung never cheated on you. He never did that and i'm sure that he would never do that! I'm sorry to say this but, Wooyoung is more broken right now, than you. You believed that one person, who you hated so much and didn't believe the one who you loved! You were always working smart but, when it came to believing Wooyoung instead of believing someone who hates you, you made a big mistake. You didn't even think about things that may have happened at that time. You didn't even understand that  it was the plan of Hana and her so called friends and they did succeed it. They made Wooyoung drink a juice with drug in it, he fell asleep and they took pictures of Hana and Wooyoung. The worst part is that you believed it and left us not even saying a word and leaving a letter of you saying "don't search me". Wooyoung was blaming himself for drinking that juice and was so disappointed in you for not believing him. He always loved you, he never forgot about you... he even cried today, when... he saw you. 

(it's so longg, i'm sorry for thatt)

- W-what?? Jenna's hands were shaking.

- How the fuck could you act that stupid??? Hongjoong was so disappointed.

- It was a plan? she couldn't believe her ears.

- It was a plan to ruin your relationship. Hongjoong said.

- Hyung, We have to go! Mingi came in room, with other members.

- Okay, I'm coming. Hongjoong said and looked at me.

- Jenna~ someone said and jenna looked at the direction.


omg, how could i do this to them?

he hugged jenna.

others also joined them.

after the hug, jenna looked around and saw Wooyoung leaning on door.

she felt so guilty, she wanted to hug him and apologize, but she knew that he was so disappointed in her.

- Wooyoung, come join us! Hongjoong said and i looked at him.

- No, I'm a cheater, i don't want to. he said and faked smile.

Jenna was so disappointed in herself.

- Wooyoung! Hongjoong said.

- aniyo, he is right. joesonghabnida, for thinking of you as a cheater Mr. Wooyoung. I'm not going to make problems, so don't worry! Jenna said and lastly bowed.

she was going to walk out of the room, when she suddenly stopped and looked at Wooyoung in his eyes.

His eyes were teary.

- I'm even more disappointed in you, right now. he said and jenna teared up.

- It's for your own good, sunbaenim. she said and smiled.

- Do you really think that, it'll make me feel better? Wooyoung asked.

- hope It'll. Jenna said and left him there.

I hate you, for aching my heart - Jung Wooyoung.

MET AGAIN - Wooyoung FFWhere stories live. Discover now