Part 11: Competition?

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Jenna was in practice room.

she was watching youtube, when she saw one video.

" What happened to Wooyoung at MAMA?" 

She immediately opened the video.

She saw his reaction, when he saw her rapping.

Jenna started crying. She was so sad.

 - Wooyoung... Sorry~ she mumbled.

she turned off her phone and went back to practice.

- CEO is calling us jenn! Nabi said and Jenna nodded.

They went out off  the practice room and went in CEO's room.

Jiho knocked and CEO allowed them to go in.

when they went inside the room they bowed.

- There is one important thing i have to tell you! CEO said and everyone nodded.

- We want you guys to be in Competition, which also will be a reality show. He said and we agreed.

- There will be other k-pop groups too. You guys will have collaborations and also competitions. He said.

- That is going to be exciting! Lana said.

- Okay, that was all i wanted to tell you guys... start practicing from today. He said and all of them nodded.

" Is he going to be there, too?" - Jenna

MET AGAIN - Wooyoung FFWhere stories live. Discover now