Post raven

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After I waved to raven i  continued to kiss Roxanne  until she got hot and bothered and wanted more from my love. This was the last time I saw her smile for a long time.   She was kissing me and smiling with not just her lips but with her eyes.   She had her hands up my shirt and caressing my breasts.... She was getting to forget the fact the raven and I locked eyes. 
"So soft I want to kiss them," she said.
"You should try my bits" I said.
"I should again" Roxanne said. "By the way who is that guy"
"Just a friend."
"Ok." She said. "I was want to make love to you you know make this special for you."
When down and started to make love to my womanhood as she licking and sucking and massaging it.  I giggled and started hold on to something it felt wonderful.   After a while she started to kiss me sweet on the belly button and then made her way to kissing my mouth.   
"Roxanne......." I moaned.   " that was beautiful."
"Remember sweeties that I love you."
"I love you too."
We adjusted our clothes and the said their holding hands, and whispering and giggling.
Her partner spotted the offending person.   " there's the fucker"
" just behave you two." He said and was talk to the bank robber and then took him in that was when things between me and Roxanne started to get ugly.
"Get out"
"Because I want to talk to you" she said sternly.  "I need answers."
"Is he just a friend"
"Yes," I started to sob. 
" you know your body language says otherwise."
"Oh god Roxanne."
" we are going back.  If you want to be with me sweetie you have to pass a test."
"I think something is going on"
When we returned to the Hoover building she said that the test I had to pass to win her back was a polygraph and then try to get rid of raven. She slapped me and said just do it.
When we when into the polygraph room she was administering the test.  All the while between each question she tried to reassure  me that it's ok and that she still loved me. This time I was being humiliated and tormented by her.   She was sadistic I can tell in her voice.
"Roxanne, I never said i love you to him" I begged. "I only said it to you."
When the test was over I didn't care about the results I wanted out.  I was hyperventilating at this point and ran out.  With Roxanne begging me to stay.
"I can't I just can't!" I said. "I need to have space."
I left the engagement ring and necklace on as a reminder that I still loved her.  As I was running out of the hoover building I ruled my ankle.  I didn't know what hurt more the emotions or the ankle.   The I heard a family monotone voice, rave.  
"I am talking you to the hospital and back home." He stated. "Can I stay the night with you."
As soon as Roxanne came looking for me I was gone in ravens car to the hospital.   That was the last time I saw her. For a while that was. "I am going to protect and love you."
"Why don't you tell me about you" he said.
"I am scum"
"The girl on MySpace that I went to school with wasn't scum."
"I just can't anymore."
When he went into the er with me. Raven said to me that he loved me. As for the ankle I was told to get off it for a while and was given antidepressants.  They thought I had ptsd and a very bad relationship to wreck my ankle..... I was running from something.
When I got to my apartment he came with me and helped me.
"You know once you have ptsd it's for life" he said that.
"Bad to know"
I just tried to keep a necklace and ring on just remember not to meet anyone online again it was something I was very important for me to remember.     When I want to bed I saw crying controllably.  He hugged me and the starting kissing me and telling me that he GENUINELY loved me.
"Thank you" when rolled to face him he kissed me softy and wanted to be with him."
He kissed me and tears ways. He rubbed my shoulders and kissed one of them.   He was conversation in his love making, some thing I excepted because he was a guy.
When he was done shy making love to me he said that he can hook he up some friends quality friends.
"I'd like that"
"Where did you meet them."
"Skate park and raves"
"They don't do drugs"
I drifted of to sleep, and woke up to a commotion.  I recognize the female voice but had to get something as a walking stick.  It was Roxanne.   I wanted to run and hide.
"Mary sweeties......" come back to me"
This shit show was a daily occasion and I didn't not know if I could report FBI to the police for harassment.   Each morning I'd cry, wanting nothing to do with Roxanne.  Noting that she was on my MySpace I decided delete and create I new one and dye my hair blue black and started to wear make up.   Something that Roxanne hasn't before.   Rave decide to take a bunch of pictures of us and post the on MySpace.and only he and his goth friends added me.   I have my profile to private.and after the last of hid friends were added I decided to get rid of anyway of people adding me.  But the still can message me.
" you know you'd be safer on Facebook then on MySpace.   Again I set up Andy account and listen raven as my  relationship and soon as on my space started to add in my new favorited.   My name is was morbidina  only both sites.   I thought it was fool proof. And it was just his friends added me.    I never said the picture of Roxanne again.
I was safe.

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