Fake husband

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So my fake husband I don't know what his name was when a sta s friends said that he was going to confront Roxanne and he did. Only he was not able to move afterwards he was a Chevy guy and he get pound you write to the end of the end of the year he was pretty strong and well obese as well but he was strong and he was going to take on an FBI agent who is Crockett in the first place. In a coffee shop that's what it was his plans he said which coffee shop does she go to and I said Starbucks and I'll go there and tear a strip off her back. It was just enough for me to be thankful for this guy he said his name was Joe and he was very happy to have met me. He was non-binary and he was a cross dresser he crossed her as I'd to piss off roxanne.
Roxanne was getting under his nerves very easily at this point in the game and he was going to punch her out right in the coffee shop and he was raring to go. Little did he know that he was gonna be the one getting ass kept. Thank God he was not staing that he was just ing's friend but I felt bad for when I saw What was to happen to him. He was more or less beaten half of the death by a woman just to blows to the head was enough for him to lose his face or have to have it reconstructed. He was very scared of this woman now even though he's 300 pounds 400 pounds and he was able to lift her up and throw her across the town more or less he was very angry if he was able to speak but he was able to write thank God and this is what he wrote to the cops when you was in the hospital it was a wonder he wasn't brain dead.
Nor brain damaged. 
Though I thought of them as brain damage to go after rock sound who is going to kill anyone and everyone in our way she was gonna be very proud of what she was gonna do. Finish him off she was going to do but she couldn't he had other things to do and other things to play with instead of just some fat slob. When I realized this to Betty she was in enraged that she beat up a 400 pound 6 foot man who were the meat processing plant and was nearly dead. I did not see the actual results of Joe's meeting but I was pretty disturbed by what I was hearing around the town about the FBI agent who beat the meat processor guy to death and was going about horrible things. She was going to go after people that was associated with me whether she liked it or not and she enjoyed it and that's what pisses Betty off the most.
When I went into the actual hospital where Joe was being traded that I couldn't believe what I saw it was as if there was a void where his face was that void was where hatred and violence comes from in my opinion and I was so disturbed at the thought There's a 90 pound woman would be able to do this massive damage to someone who is massively older and massively heavier than she is she was really something to me round was she was a work of art work.
It would take months for Joe to talk from what I can tell from the doctors I didn't wanna see the void any longer that was in his face it was traumatizing as it was. And I couldn't handle the fact that Joe was near death even though he was in brain damage your brain dead he was bleeding profusely from his wounds. A good word would be the word ugly for the first time for him fat Nogley that was him right then and there for the first time in his life he wasn't curvy and strong he was just deadweight. And he was only able Laroi or scribble what was going on and his Mind which was completely intact and not dead or damaged thank God. I thanked my lucky stars it wasn't me that was in that hospital bed but I knew it was gonna be soon that I was going to be in that hospital bad or worse. It was very disturbing to think about the thought that this 90 pound monster was going to go after people it said that small dogs take a lot more violence than big dogs because I have more to prove this is more or less the case with Roxanne she was like yeah happy little dog who was going around biting everyone's ankles and ripping their feet off more or less if you were to explain it that way. She had something to prove that she was not mentally ill even though she's acting like she was mentally ill.  As I said that Apple does not fall far from the tree she was right there beside her mother being insane. Even though she was living on her own this time with a guy named Angel and her name was Amelia at this time she was still the same wicked bitch from the west.

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