Finally Saved-Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

[Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes]

Picture of Willow played by Lily Collins displayed on the side.

Inspirational quote of the day-

"Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good"

-Malcolm Gladwell


Hailey's POV

Previously in Finally Saved-

Smiling a huge smile, Luke nodded, "Great, I'll tell you more about it later today or tomorrow. See you"

Waving one last time, he turned around and walked towards the exit. Looking closely at him, I frowned when I looked closely at his left leg and saw he was limping slightly. I also saw how he was favoring his right side.

The same leg that I stitched for Matthew.


Confused, that was what I was feeling the whole day for the rest of school. I watched Luke from afar, even though it was hard because he always wanted to work with me on worksheets or wanted to sit with me. In gym class, he was excused from gym but didn't even need an excuse note from his parents or the doctor.

What surprised, and confused me the most was what happened to his leg that caused him to limp? And why would it happen to be on the same leg that Matthew was wounded on? I know that it is known of my business, but I can't help but be suspicious.

"Hailey, are you alright?" Looking up from my glance of the nice polished floors, I met Michael's eyes, worry shining through them.

I've been working at Michaels Italian restaurant for only two days, and the owner Michael and I got along great. He has helped me with my homework a couple of times, took my shift when kids from my school came that would often pick on me, and most importantly he cared about me. He was like the father I never had.

Nodding my head, I got up from my seat, "I'm alright, just thinking. I'll get right on delivering those orders for you"

Shaking his head at my offer, he called for his wife Marisa. Frowning, I watched as the small blonde Italian woman came walking into the main entrance.

"What is it Michael?" She asked in her beautiful, angelic Italian accent.

"Can you take over Hailey's shift, I'm giving her the rest of the night off" Nodding her head, Marisa smiled at me and went to work waiting on my tables.

"You didn't have to do that, I could wait the tables. I told you I'm fine" Looking at Michael, I shook my head at him.

Snorting, Michael walked back behind the counter. "Hailey I know something is bothering you. When something is bothering me, I know it's best to go sit outside or read a nice book. Just go on, get out of here, Marisa and I will take it from here"

Deciding not to argue with him anymore, I bid my goodbyes one last time. Exiting the restaurant, I slowly started making my way home.

My dad wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. Apparently he had some business meeting he had to attend. Yeah, some business meeting that is when you just go out with your buddies to the bar and get laid by some stuck up middle aged women.

Looking up I watched as a small blue bird, laid on the lamp post. Blue birds were my mom's favorite bird. Her and I would always sit outside and watch them fly by, or watch the baby blue birds hatch from their eggs from the nearby nest during the summer.

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