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Ninas POV

When I broke up with Charles, I didn't feel any pain at all; it was like I didn't care in the first place. It made me doubt my earlier feelings towards Charles and confirmed to me how much James means to me.

The pain that I am feeling right now is unimaginable. It feels like someone is squeezing my heart so hard, trying to stop it from beating.

"Honey, someone is waiting for you downstairs," said my nanny as she knocked on the door.

I reluctantly left my sweet bed and the arms of Mr. Cuddles, the huge stuffed penguin James won for me from the carnival on our fifth date or something and went to see who was waiting for me downstairs.

In the living room, Charles was there waiting for me with a huge bouquet on his lap. "I heard that you broke up with James, and I just wanted to check up on you," he said as soon as he saw me.

I eyed the yellow roses on his lap, sending him a silent question that he quickly caught on to: "I read somewhere that yellow roses show friendship, and I want to be your friend again, so I got them for you." "I swear, I just want to be your friend again and support you through your hard time," he said.

He took a deep breath filled with sorrow and continued, "I could tell that he meant the world to you. You never looked at me with that much adoration while we were together."

I accepted the flowers from him and said I would raise my hands to shake his extended hand and say we can be friends again, knowing deep inside that I don't regret my decision.

James POV

As soon as I entered dad's home a week after his death, as I was staying with my mom that week, I couldn't go home and see his places without him. Everything reminded me of him, and I started to regret every moment I didn't spend with him because I was doing trivial stuff.

I missed how he used to shout out, Ooh, you are finally home, every time I opened the door. And how he would always make sure that I ate well.

Thankfully, my friends were by my side, giving me the strength I needed to live without my best friend.

I was changing my clothes and getting ready to go to bed when the picture that Nina threw at my face fell from the jacket's pocket.

"Tom, can you come for a second, please?" I called loudly.

As soon as he came, I showed him the picture that Nina had given me. "Why did Nina say that I am a part of the eastern snakes while showing me this picture? The only people in this photo are your friend and me.

Just then, a vision started.

I was running around the house, packing everything important.  I grabbed the first empty bag I saw and threw the family book first, then as many clothes as I could find and fit in the bag. I also grabbed all the cash in our savings places and put it in another small cross-body bag, along with my passport and any important documents in dad's office.

So that is exactly what I did as soon as I was back in reality and told the boys to do so and not ask questions.

As soon as I finished packing, someone started banging loudly and quickly, grabbing our attention instantly.

When we opened the door, we saw that it was Tom's friend, Michael, saying, "Grab anything valuable or important, and we need to go now. Your life is in danger. I'll explain everything later," he said.

We took the already-packed bags and told him that we were ready.

Nina POV

"HONEY, WE ARE HOME!" shouted Emily, her usual greeting as she entered our house.

Now this is the moment that I wasn't ready for. You know how they say that your friends always hate your ex-boyfriend more than you do? Well, saying that Emily and Rachel hate Charles is an understatement, and the only thing separating them from him is a flimsy door.

"I should warn you; you won't be greeted with love when they see you." I tried warning Charles, and as if on cue, the door opened.

"What the hell is this thing doing here, beside you, on the couch?" "ARE THESE ROSES?!" exclaimed Rachel.

"The flowers are a peace offering; he wants us to be friends and just friends again." I tried explaining calmly, "He heard that I broke up with James and came to give me support, just like you guys are doing now."

"I'll accept this answer, but I still don't trust you and will be keeping a very close eye on you." said Rachel.

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