I am sorry

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Nina's POV

Whenever I read a book where the character wakes up from a coma, they say that they recognised that they were in a coma and that the beeping is the sound of the alarm clock and stuff like that, but that wasn't my case. I felt like I was too tired to identify those around me; I didn't feel my father's hand in mine; heck, I didn't even recognise the beeping of the machines, which was excruciatingly loud, until the doctor came and did something near the machines. That was only when I felt all the tubes coming in.

I need to admit that I was disappointed that James was not beside me when I woke up, but when Rachel told me that he stayed by my bed for weeks but his father forced him to go home today to get some rest, I felt so happy.

"Do you guys know who hit me?" I asked those in the room—Rachel, Emily, my father, and James—who arrived 15 minutes after I woke up.

"Yes, the police believe that it was the vipers' gangs. They don't know why you were targeted, but they will find out soon," said Emily.

Just as the dad finished his sentence, a police officer entered, followed by Charles.

"Mr. Steve, we have some bad news for you." Said the police officer. "It was just confirmed that the Vipers gang was the one responsible for your daughter's accident. However, the gang member who was driving the car was found dead by our patrols this morning. The weird part is that he was killed by his own gang.

"What made you so sure that it was the viper's, and how do you know that he was killed by his own gang?" said dad.

"He had the gang's mark tattooed on his arm, so that proves that he is a Vipers' member, and while checking his body, we found their killing mark." Not only that, but also after checking the surveillance cameras in the area, we noticed that the same car that hit Nina is the same one that threw him in the streets where he was found. "
"Fucking idiots" interrupted Charles in an angry manner, but why?
"Anyway, that is how we came to our conclusion; however, we still don't know why they wanted to kill her and why they killed their own member." The police officer continued.

After that, the police started giving us more details about the man and showing us pictures of him, asking if we had seen him before. As soon as the police finished and left, Charles also left in a hurry, which was slightly weird, but I brushed it off.

It was now 11 p.m., and everyone left except James. He sat by my bed, held my hand, and we kept talking for hours. That's when he said the three words "I love you, Nina," and then added, "I realised that I love you a while ago, but I wanted it to be special, which is why I was acting weird the day you got hit. I was decorating your backyard with daisies, your favourite flower. Now after what happened, thinking that I had lost you forever, I decided to always seize the moment and say whatever I felt. I love you so much, baby girl. Never leave me again."

Baby, I love you too. So much. And I'm going to say something extremely cheesy right now, but every moment with you is special," I said, giggling at the last part.

(2 weeks later)

James POV

It has been 2 weeks now since I figured out that I am the one and that I have the power of predicting someone's future. I have stopped talking to my friends because I am so busy learning more about my family's history. I couldn't tell my boys anything for obvious reasons, so I kept lying about why I couldn't hang out with them. They noticed that I was lying and hiding something. We had a little fight, and now we don't talk. Luckily, the same thing didn't happen with Nina, as her father took away her phone and forbade us all to see her until she completely recovered.

After reading more about my power in the origins, I found out that it was not all rainbows and butterflies; there were limitations. For instance, if death happens, I won't see who will die and how, so I won't prevent it, and if someone uses their powers, I won't be able to see that either. I also need to have a clear mind to call a seeing; however, I can get a spontaneous seeing if it is believed by whoever controls what I see that I need to see a certain thing. Also, one of the major rules that I have to follow is that I am not allowed to trust anyone with what I see unless they have a green hue surrounding them in my vision. It also had guidelines on how to use my powers, so I spent the past 2 weeks practising until I had full control over them.

Now that I can see the future of whoever I choose smoothly, I decided to check Nina's. After her accident, I have been itching to check her future just to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to her again.

I went to my room, closed the door, and started meditating to clear my mind. When I was ready, I thought of Nina and started to see a line of events.

First, there was some sort of party; everyone was there, family and friends. I can clearly see dad, Kevin, and Tom with a green hue around them. The image skipped to a group of men on a rooftop looking at Nina and me; another image skip followed, and I saw myself and the boys surrounded by these men, and it looked like we were a part of a fight, then everything went black. I saw nothing. That was the first time I experienced such a thing, so I didn't know what the blackness meant.

I left my room and ran as fast as I could to my dad to tell him what I just saw and how I was only allowed to tell him because of the green hue around him.

"Well, I guess it is time to call your friends and tell them why you were lying," said Dad.

So, I did as told and called my two best friends and told them to come to my house because I owed them an explanation.

An hour later, the boys were at my house, and I told them what happened on the day of my birthday and how I now have powers. I also showed them the obvious origins, then saw nothing in the book, but the cover was sketchy enough to convince them that something was wrong with that book, yet dad showed them some of his power just to make them fully believe.

After they started believing me, I told them about my vision and what would happen to Nina, and how all of us would have to learn how to fight because with our current nonexistent skills, we would be in deep trouble.

Luckily, a friend of mine can fight pretty well. He is an MMA fighter, so he can teach us something.

"Okay, then what are you waiting for?" "We don't know when this combat will happen, so we must take advantage of all the time that we have," said Kevin.

So Tom called this friend of his, and he agreed to train us starting today. Now let the training begin.

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