Meeting the boss

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James POV

"Ok, so here is the thing, I am not just a random MMA fighter. I am actually part of the Eastern Snakes gang. I don't know what you did or who you pissed off, but whatever you did was big enough that the viper's gang is targeting you personally," said Michael while looking at me directly in the front mirror.

"Well, I assure you, Michael, we are as confused as you are. All that happened is that I knew that something was going to happen from some people who I didn't know who or when, but I just knew." I tried explaining without exposing my secret.

"Ok, so you are trying to tell me that you did absolutely nothing and THE VIPERS, the second biggest gang in the state, is going against you for no reason?" He asked sceptically.

"Yes, this is exactly what he is trying to say," said Tom.

"Well, due to you being seen with me training—I only train the people from my gang—the vipers believe that you are a part of the eastern snakes. Not just that, but somehow word also got out that you knew exactly when and where the attack would happen." he started explaining.

"Not just that but apparently no one knew any details of the attack but the close circle. Everyone else knew just before the attack itself happened. Now their leader believes that someone from their inner circle is a spy and gave them a little game. Whoever figures out who the spy is will be his new righthand."

He then added "And you being the 'latest addition to our gang' since this is the first time they see you and since you knew everything, they believe that you know who this spy is and now they all want to capture you and torture the information out of you."

"Well, now that you say it, I really can't blame them for believing that there is a spy and you know who he is," said Kevin.

"Ok, Kevin, you are definitely not helping; please be quiet," I tried to say calmly without losing my sh*t.

After a few minutes of driving, we came to a place hidden in the middle of the forest. I couldn't tell what was inside from the high walls surrounding whatever is inside and the thick steel gates that looked like the only entrance and exit of this building. Seriously, I believe that this thing is more secure than any important military base.

"OK, so whatever you see inside here, you will not talk about it. The Vipers might be the second-largest gang in the state, but we are the first. I can guarantee that you are safe from the vipers as long as you are under an eastern snake's protection, but nothing can protect you from eastern snakes if you mess with them," warned Michael.

As we approached the gates, big, scary-looking men carrying a lot of guns came out. They approached us and scanned our faces with some device that they had. I later found out that it is linked to a database that has the faces of those allowed access. If you get denied access, you get shot on the spot.

When we passed the gates, I saw a huge mansion. It was so beautiful the boys and I couldn't help ourselves but audibly aww. I thought that this place couldn't get any more beautiful until we went inside.

The first thing is this huge hall with beautiful antiques and an amazing chandelier hanging above our heads from a coloured glass dome and stairs leading to the upper floors.

As Micheal leads us up the stairs he says "As you see all the floors can see each other and are circular. All the room's doors are facing the centre to eliminate any blind spots in case we get attacked. " He then added " I am now taking you to our boss. He wants to talk to you."

Just before Micheal started opening the door I felt a new vision starting and placed my hand over his stopping him from opening the door and asking him to wait just before the vision started.

I see a tall man with dark hair and a stern look, I don't know but I assume is the boss, asking Micheal to leave the room. He was standing in front of a desk behind him a huge glass window overlooking the whole garden. Then me telling him about my powers and how I saw that Nina was in danger and how I saw the details of the attack. I also told him about this vision that I am currently having and telling him to prove myself, the boys and I will leave the room and he is to touch any book from his bookcase and when he is done, he is to call us back in the room.

Then the vision shifted to us not in the room as he went and touched a red book on the very bottom shelf in his bookcase then returned back to his desk and asked us to come in.

As the vision ended, I looked at Micheal who was looking at me baffled not knowing why I had just space out but didn't ask and opened the door.

"Hi, I am Issac, the leader of the Eastern Snakes.", so that is the name of the mysterious man, I thought to myself.

After introducing ourselves, he asked us to sit down and said "To be honest with you, at first I thought that you were members of the FBI as I couldn't find any way as to how you knew about the Vipers attack other than that. Then when I knew that Micheal here was training you I was going to kill Micheal for working with the FBI. But since Micheal is an important member of our gang, I looked more into you and found that you are just random average people. No disrespect. So, tell me James," he said as he approached me and knelt down to my level and asked me very calmy, the kind of calm that sends shivers down your body, "How the hell did you know about the attack."

"I will tell you how, but I need you to send Micheal out of the room first," I said. Micheal looked at Issac reluctantly. Issac went back to his place behind the desk and asked Micheal to leave the room and I did just like in the vision.

After we entered the room, I headed straight to the bookshelf and took out the book he touched ' The business of Crime: Italians and Syndicate Crime in the United States' and turned around to give it to Issac only to see him looking at me with shocked face then him saying "I believe you. You will stay under my protection until we figure out who is trying to hurt your girlfriend and put an end to him."

Nina's POV

(2 weeks later)

It has been two weeks since Charles apologized, and we became friends again. We have been spending so much time together again.

He took me to all the places that we used to go to when we were together, and that made me think: if Charles didn't leave, would I still be with him? And now that he is here, will we get back together? Will I want us to get back together? Do I like him? Can I like him? Is he perfect partner material?

He has the looks, and the amazing personality, and did I mention that he currently works at one of the greatest companies in his field? He has everything that a girl might ever want, and he still loves me.

"Ooh, I know this face. What is going through your head?" asked Rachel as she noticed that I was staring into space while slowly sipping my coffee.

"Well, you are definitely going to hit me when I tell you what I have been thinking," I said lowly.

"Just get it out because you'll tell me either way, so let's get over with it," she said with a knowing smile.

"I think I might get back to Charles" I said then shared with her all of my scrambled, messy thoughts.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 08 ⏰

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