It is happening.

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Unknown POV

Ok, guys, the mission is easy. Don't screw it up, or I'll kill you like I killed Mike. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"


James POV

Nina called me today and asked if I was free to go to the festival with her. I didn't even know there was a festival. I don't know anything going on in the real world; I'm too busy practising how to fight with Tom's friend to be able to protect Nina. I can't tell her not to go out for the rest of her life, but I can try and be with her at all times to make sure she's safe.

I texted her back, saying, "Sure, can't wait xx." I've never used "xx" in my life, but with her, I don't think it sounds lame.

At around 7, my doorbell rang, and sure enough, there she was—the prettiest girl I had ever laid eyes on. She was all jumpy and excited, her hands held together, swinging left and right, her smile wide, her eyes glowing and squinting—god, I love her.

I took her hand, locked the door behind me, and approached the car, but she stopped me. "It's not too far; we can walk it. It gives me time to show off my boyfriend, plus we can talk about anything you want to talk about." I looked deep into her eyes and felt like I was falling in love all over again.

"Helloooo, earth to James," she said, waving a hand at my face.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just admiring you." " What? "A guy can't do that anymore."

After another 15 minutes, we were standing in front of a huge red and white striped tent. She waved at the guy at the ticket stand, and he let us in. "What about the line?" I asked. She laughed and dismissed my question altogether. I didn't think much of it. She grabbed my hand and tugged at my arm, pulling me towards a restaurant, and then covered my eyes.

"Alright, please don't kill me." "I know you hate surprises, but I couldn't help it."

She removed her hands, and as she did, I heard voices yell.


My dad and my cousins Kevin, Emily, and Rachel stood there with party hats and balloons. "What is this?" I managed, still shocked.

"Well, we didn't celebrate your birthday because of what happened to me, so I thought that you deserved a birthday party."

She giggled, excited for my reaction. I pulled her in close for a hug, thanked her, and then went on to greet everyone.

"Where's Tom?" I asked Emily. "Probably at the bar getting something to drink."

"Classic Tom. I don't know how you put up with him."

Nina came over with cupcakes, grinning, and said, "Come on, we have to go ride the Ferris wheel." I followed her, and we got along. I waited till we got to the highest point to tell her that I loved her, and she leaned in and kissed me.

For a second, I forgot about my vision, but of course, all good things must come to an end. I looked up and saw a group of guys dressed in all black on a rooftop, holding binoculars and staring straight at us.

I tried not to stare too hard, otherwise Nina would notice something was off. As soon as we got down, I took her hand and walked back to the restaurant where everyone was and led her to Emily and Rachel in the hopes that they would keep her busy while I found a way to get to my dad and update him.

I sent her off to a friend and excused myself, saying I had to ask my dad something quick. I bolted off, bumping into Kevin on the way.

"Where are you going? The party's just started. Plus, you'll never believe who I just saw—Tom's parents are here on a date; I can't wait till that's me and Monica, or you and Nina," he winked.

I was in no mood to joke around and talk about the future when Nina's life was at risk. I laughed hurriedly and continued walking towards my dad, but that was when Kevin noticed that something was off and asked me accusingly, "What is wrong with you?"

My dad coincidentally looked over, and I waved to him, signalling him to come.

"What's wrong?" My dad asked.

"It's happening." I said, looking around me.

"What's happening? Someone tell me when Kelvin's serious face came to life.

Kevin, PLEASE CONCENTRATE!" I yelled at him and made a mental note to apologise later.

"The guys that James saw in his vision They are here," my dad said calmly.

"Why didn't you say so?" "Those guys over there in the leather jackets?"

What?!! When did they get so close? Why is this all happening so fast? I have to get to Nina.

"I'll keep an eye out for them, and you go find Tom and make him stay close to Nina, alright while we try to fix this because, let's be honest, Tom is still not the best when it comes to fighting?"

"Everything is going to be ok," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder and grinned reassuringly.

"If anything happens, I'll be right here." Said dad

I went up to Nina and said, "You girls having fun?"

"Yeah. Where were you?" Nina asked

"Me. , I Oh... " "Jujustking my dad if Monica and Jessica were coming."

"Why didn't you just ask me, sir?" She giggled, and I felt guilty for lying, but what was I going to do? Tell her I had powers? No way. At least not yet.

We walked off to the cotton candy stand, and as we did, we were approached by one of the men in the leather jackets. He had a scar across his eye and was missing a few teeth. He was wearing black ripped jeans, and under his jacket he was wearing an employee's shirt. How did he pull that off? No clue. "The, um, surprise is ready," he said, grinning, his voice gruff as if he'd smoked one too many cigarettes.

"What surprise?" I asked

"It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, would it?" "Come on," she said.

"Shouldn't we bring the others?" I may have phrased it as a question, but really, I was insisting. I looked back and tried to signal Kevin, but he just gave me a thumbs up. I guess it's just me, her, and them.

"No, this is just for you."

We followed him, and I looked back at Kevin one last time, hoping he would understand. This time, instead of giving me a thumbs up, he looked confused. Maybe he was starting to understand—I hope he was.


I did not write this chapter. My best friend is the one who wrote it. It is her first time writing anything, and she wanted to try, so I told her to write the chapter where the fight happens (because she is a badass to write the chapter where the fight happens (because she is a badass).)
I did change a couple of lines to make the chapter suit the plot I had planned.
Without further ado, here is the chapter.

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