I'll kill you

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Nina's POV

I am so excited about going to the Nubian village. For some reason, I have a feeling that something big will happen. Maybe I will get the inspiration I was looking for. Maybe I'll get closer to James? Maybe a lot of things, but what I know for sure is that I'll have so much fun!

We were sitting at the cruise ship's restaurant eating breakfast when Rachel poked my arm with her elbow with a smile so big and whispered, "Tom is coming our way. Look at Emily; she looks like a child left overnight in a toy store. Just in time to hear, "Hey ladies, mind if we join you?"

If Rachel or I ever said no, I think Emily would murder us in our sleep. Trust me, she is insane enough to do so. We all sat at a round table, with Kevin, Tom, Emily, Rachel, and me. There was an empty seat, which I assumed was left for James since he didn't come down with the boys.

I was so happy that James was going to sit beside me that I was oblivious to the fact that he did enter the restaurant until Emily kicked me from under the table, which, by the way, hurt like hell!

I looked at him and locked eyes. I caught myself smiling like crazy, so I quickly changed my facial expression to neutral. It felt like we were alone in the room. I was so mesmerised until all of a sudden he looked at the buffet and smiled.

Is he looking at that chef who is making waffles? Does he think that she's cute or something? What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise that he was standing right beside me. Help me, Lord, his cologne smells so good.

James' POV

A new day, a new adventure Today, according to the tour programme, we will go to the Nubian village, though the best part of the trip will be Nina. Today I will talk to her. Please, God, don't make today awkward.

I reach the cruise's restaurant; at first, I don't see the boys, but all of a sudden the most beautiful eyes catch my sight. At first, they have this spectacular glow of excitement, but as soon as they meet mine, the excitement increases a lot.

I felt like I was alone in the room, not noticing anything but her. Wait, do I smell waffles? As soon as the sweet smell of waffles hit my nose, I fell back to reality and noticed that, actually, the girls are sitting with Kevin and Tom. Today will be a good day. I can tell.

"Here comes the lover... Uhm, I mean, James, so... this is Nina, the girls' friend, and they will hang out with us for the rest of the trip, right, beautiful?", Tom said as he looked at Emily, who was sitting really close to him, or to be more specific, whom Tom pushed his chair really close to.

I swear I can see Rachel roll her eyes and then look at Emily, who giggles. I can tell that something is going on, but no sane man can tell what the hell happens in a girl's mind.

The only empty chair was the one next to Nina, so I placed my phone by the plate and went to get food, mostly waffles. Did I mention how much I love waffles? Because I really do.

After we finished eating, we stayed in the lobby, waiting for Omar.

"Okay, so today we will head to the Nubian village. Before getting on the boat that will take us there, let me tell you about the history of the place and what we will exactly do there, as I was asked this question a lot".

I shot a look at this short old man with us on the tour; I have a feeling that this guy will somehow ruin the trip. Omar continued what he was saying.

"Okay everyone, so the village is where Nubians actually live; it is not just a name. The Nubians are friendly and hospitable. They often invite you to their homes for a cup of tea or "Karkade", a drink made of hibiscus flowers, and that is what we plan on doing as one of my friends invited you all to his house today. Many would happily show you their handicrafts. They sometimes invite you to taste their unique "Shamsi" bread, which is made using a special baking technique. Some connoisseurs claim that "Shamsi" bread is one of the best kinds of bread in the world".

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