Knowing the origins

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James POV

Today is the 1st of December, and it has been 2 weeks since Nina's accident. After the nurse came out of her room and the police officer told us that it wasn't just a normal hit-and-run, she told us Nina's condition.

She has a concussion, and she is in a coma right now. When she will wake up is up to her, and all that we need to do now is pray for her.

Since that day, I have stayed by her side 24/7. I didn't get up to eat or drink. I slept on a chair beside her, holding her hands. I never talk to her every day, begging her to wake up. To come back to me because I really miss her giggles whenever I annoy her or the way she smiles and talks in a baby voice with her neighbour's dog whenever we see them on the street.

Whenever I talk to her, I end up crying, but I never allow anyone to see me cry until the day of my birthday.

James, you really need to go home and have a good sleep." Rachel said that she is the only person who believes that I wasn't behind Nina's accident. " I know that you want to be beside her when she wakes up and all, but do you think she'll be happy? The first thing she saw was how much you are a mess now. You know how much she loves you, and she will really hate to see you like that.

"Fine, but I'll go home only for tonight, and I'll be back first thing in the morning," I replied.

"That is a good enough deal; now go before you change your mind."

I went home, showered, then went to check up on dad.

I checked the whole house but didn't find him, so I decided to go to the warehouse, where he goes when he needs to think.

As expected, he was there. Oh, James, thank God that you came. I was just going to pick you up from the hospital."

I really don't know what my dad may want from me so urgently until he starts talking again. "Well, you see, James. Today is your 21st birthday. However, yours is not like any other 21st birthday. It's kind of special."

"Dad, why would my birthday be special? I am just a normal guy. What's so special about me?"

"Well, you see, son, our whole family is special." Ever wondered why I am so attached to this creaky old warehouse?

"Actually, yes, but whenever I asked you, you said that you'd tell me when I grow up."

"Well, you grew up to be a fine, smart man that would indeed handle the information I am about to tell you."

"Ok, now I am really getting worried."

"Ever wonder how, when there was a gunfight between this gang and the police, the gang members decided to take shelter in our house, and although they were right in front of us, they didn't see us?" Or how your sister suddenly forgot the events of the car crash that she almost got into many years ago?"

"Well, Uncle is just really good at hiding, and Jessica just hit her head hard, so she forgot."

No, son, our family has had supernormal abilities for thousands of years now. Your uncle can turn himself and anything around him invisible by projecting his powers onto that thing. And I can manipulate people's memories. Everything has been written in a special book that will not be opened until the chosen is found and within age. You will start experiencing weird stuff when the clock hits 5 p.m., as that is exactly when you were born. We won't know what special abilities you have until 5 p.m., and we don't know how dangerous they are. That's why I need you in front of me until we know what your powers are and can teach you how to control them."

"But dad, why didn't you tell me about all of that earlier?"

"Well, son, if I tell you before the day of your birthday, you will die. Why this happens or why the curse itself was made, we will never know until the chosen opens the book. That's why she's coming to pick you up now. You need to be here in this warehouse when it happens because this is where it all started and where the book is kept, and you should never leave."

4:59 pm

"Ok, son, it's almost time; if you feel anything different physically, tell me; other than that, it's most probably in your head since almost all powers are felt in your body." "For instance, mine was an extreme headache, then my hand reached for my father's head on its own, then I forced him to forget that my cat died, and he searched for it for days."

As the clock hit exactly 5 p.m., I started feeling dizzy and had a slight headache, so I closed my eyes, and that's when I started seeing things. I felt like I had visions, some sort of prediction.

I saw dad and me in his warehouse office, and then he did click a button under his disc that opened a secret drawer that had something in it. Before seeing what, it was everything when black.

"Dad I feel nothing physically. What does that mean?"

Well, son, I don't know; this has never happened before. Everyone in our family got their abilities the moment they were born. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Now I need you to follow me to my office where I keep the origins book to make you try and open it."

I did as ordered and followed Dad to his office. That's when I saw my vision come to life. I saw Dad reaching under his desk and pressing the button that opened the drawer.

How did I not see this button before? I hid under his desk many times as a child.

Dad handed me the book, and I was going to tell him that I figured out what my powers are while attempting to open the book, assuming that it wouldn't work because I am not the chosen. After all, I am just James.

"Dad, I think I figured out my... I was going to say powers but stopped in my tracks when the book opened.


That means I am the chosen one, right? But how. I can't be.

OMG, James, the book's opened; it's you. You are the only one who can tell us what happened in our family centuries ago and why we are cursed. I need to see inside. I need to see it myself," said Dad.

I looked at the first page to see a family tree. A huge, long family tree.

"I don't understand, why are the pages empty?" exclaimed dad while I looked at him in shock.

Dad, they are not empty; can't you see the family tree in them? Dad, it is huge."

"No, I can't see it. Seems like the chosen only ca read what is the book. Now tell me what you see."

Well, there is a family tree. It starts with our great-grandparents; their names were James and Jasmine. The gave birth to Elijah and someone else that is scribbled on his or her name."

"At the end, what is there at the end?" asked dad enthusiastically.

"there is my and Jessica's name only. No, we are connected to you and Mom. Dad, do you mind if I read this later to you because I am tired now?"

"No, son, you did well." "Now go to bed, and later we can read all of this book."

I'll be honest with you. I wasn't tired, but I felt that I was the only one chosen to read this book for a reason, and for that reason, I must read it alone. I went to my room, closed the door, and started reading the book.

After hours of reading, I found out the following: My great-grandpa James had two sons, Elijah and someone else whose name they didn't mention. This other child was troublesome, while Elijah was the good boy that everyone loved. He used to help everyone in need.

One day Elijah helped the woman who was passing through his village, who was later killed for doing witchcraft, and as a reward, she gave him the power of strength. This evil brother was so jealous of his younger brother's strength that he decided to kill him in his sleep.

His parents later found out about his plan and took him to the forest, where they left him to die alone, thinking that he'd die of hunger or that some dangerous animal would kill him, thinking that that would save the world from his evilness.

I kept reading the book and finding out more about his family's huge secret until I got a call from Rachel telling me that Nina had just woken up.

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