Chapter 2 Anniversary Date

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Disclaimer: I don't own CSI characters but I do own Lily Taylor, Emily Hernandez, and Randy Watts.

A couple hours later...........

Lily and Greg was getting ready for their anniversary date that they had planned. Lily decided to put on a lavender dress that had drop to her knees. She fixed her hair into curls and put on some make-up. Greg walked into the bedroom to see that Lily just put on her heels. "Hello gorgeous. Are you ready?" Greg said. "Yeah I'm ready to go. Where are we going anyways?" Lily replied. "You will have to see when we get there. I want it to be a surprise," Greg replied. "Ok can't wait then," Lily said giving Greg a weird look. They both left the apartment and went to Greg's car.

Greg opened the passenger door for Lily got in. Greg closed the door for Lily. Greg got in and started the engine. He drove up to a fancy restaurant. He got out and open the door for Lily. "So what do you think honey?" Greg asked. "Wow Villa Mare restaurant. They had been booked for months now," Lily said in a surprised. "I made reservations a while back. Let's go inside," Greg said. As they walked inside the restaurant a waiter was waiting for them. The waiter walked Greg and Lily to a candle lit table. Greg pulled out the chair for Lily to sit down in. He pushed her in. Then h sat down at the table. "This place is beautiful," Lily said. "I know," Greg replied smiling. The waiter handed them the menus. "I will be back to take your orders," the waiter said. The waiter walked off to give them time to order. "Have you decided what you are getting" Greg asked. "Yeah I did. Have you decided too?" Lily replied. "Yeah I have," Greg said while smiling.

The waiter came back to take their orders. "May I take your orders now?" the waiter asked. "I will have shrimp risotto for the appetizer and lasagna for the main course," Lily replied. Then the waiter looked at Greg. "I will have the lobster risotto for the appetizer and the shrimp aglio e olio for the main," Greg said. "I will be back with your appetizers soon," the waiter said. The waiter walked off to give the orders to the chef.

Lily got lost in her own thoughts and was thinking of the day that Greg had proposed to her. It was February the 14th Valentine's day. Greg and her was getting off early from the crime lab. Greg told her that he had a surprise for her. Lily had got into his car. Greg had driven up the beach. She had puzzling look on her face. They both had gotten out of the car. Greg had led her to a picnic on the beach. Wow this wonderful she had remembered. They had a wonderful picnic on the beach. Greg and her went for a walk while the sun set. Then he turned to her and got onto one knee. "Lily Taylor will you marry me?" Greg had said to her. "Yes I will," I had said to him. He put the diamond ring on her finger. She was so happy when he had proposed. He gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Lily are you alright?" Greg asked in confusion. "Uh Oh sorry I was just thinking," Lily replied smiling. "Thinking about what?" Greg asked. "The day you had proposed to me," Lily said. The waiter came back with their appetizers. "Thank you," Lily said to the waiter. Greg and Lily started to eat their appetizers. "This tastes great," Lily said. "I know right," Greg replied. "This place has good food here," Lily said. "Yeah I knew you wanted to go here so I made plans a while back," Greg replied smiling. "This is something I will remember," Lily said. "Me too," Greg replied.

Ten minutes later Lily and Greg were finished with their appetizers. Not long after that the waiter returned to take their empty dishes. The waiter took the dishes to the wash room. Then the waiter return again with their main courses. The waiter sat them down in front of Lily and Greg. The waiter had left so they can eat.

Not long into their main course Greg felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket. "What's wrong Greg?" Lily asked in concerned. "It's my phone," Greg replied. "Go ahead and answer it," Lily said in disappointed."Are you sure?" Greg asked. "Yeah I'm sure. It could be important," Lily replied. Greg got his phone out and answered it. "Sanders," Greg said. "Hey Greg its Catherine. We have a situation at the lab," Catherine said. "What's going on," Greg replied looking concerned. "Well do you remember the case we had a year ago with the psychopath serial killer Randy Watts?" Catherine said in concerned. "Yeah what about him," Greg replied. "Well he just escaped from the maximum security prison," Catherine said. Lily was right it was important.

"WHAT you got to be kidding me," Greg said while fear came into his face. "We need you and Lily to come to the lab. Sorry for ruining y'all anniversary but this couldn't wait," Catherine said. "Ok Catherine I understand we will be on our way there now," Greg said "Bye" Catherine said. "Bye," Greg said. Greg hung up his phone and put it back into his pocket. He couldn't believe this dude just escaped the maximum security prison where he was locked up at. "What's going on Greg?" Lily said scared. "Well that was Catherine telling me that psychopath serial killer Randy Watts just escaped from prison. Catherine wants both of us to come to the lab right now," Greg replied while getting angry. "I can't believe it," Lily said while letting the fear sink in.

"Waiter," Greg said. The waiter had came to there table. "Check please," Greg said. "Right away sir," said the waiter. The waiter went and get the check for Greg. The waiter returned and gave the check to Greg. Greg paid the check and they both got up from the table to leave. Greg gave the number to the valet to retrieve his car. It take the valet not long to bring the car around.

Greg have gave the valet a tip. Greg and Lily got into the car. He started to the direction of the lab. Greg remembered the last words that Randy had told him before he went to prison. "When I escape I'm coming after you and your beautiful girlfriend." These same words keep repeating in his mind while he was driving. It was Greg's skills that put Randy Watts away for life in the first place. Greg and Lily made it to the lab in no time. Greg parked the car and they both got out. They both made it to the briefing room where Catherine was briefing everyone on Randy Watts.

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