Chapter 7: Kidnapped

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Lily locked up the door and went to the couch where Greg was sleeping. She gave Greg a little tap on the shoulder to see if he would wake up. Greg didn't wake up so Lily gave him a couple more taps still no luck. Then an idea popped in her head. She grabs her cell and called Greg's cell. 'This should wake him up,' Lily thought. His phone started playing the song "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry. "What the hell. I didn't know he like this song," Lily said out loud giving a little chuckle.

Greg got up and sees who was calling him. "It's about time," Lily said giving a little laugh. "How long you been trying to wake me?" Greg asked. "About 10 minutes so I called your cell to see if you wake. I didn't expect it to work I guess I was wrong," Lily replied while smiling. Lily went to the couch to sit down. "How was today with your cousin?" Greg asked still a little sleepy. "It was great. We went shopping a little," Lily replied.

Lily looked at the coffee table. She notice that the wedding invitations were on the coffee table. "You look like you been busy tonight when you got home from work," Lily said. "Yeah I had nothing else to do. So I look at the wedding invitations. Hope that you don't mind I chose one," Greg said. "No I don't mind. Which one you chose?" Lily replied. "Well I chose the Inflorescene wedding invitations," Greg replied. Lily and Greg went to the website to order the invitations. "Now we have to figure out the guest list," Lily said.

It has been three months past now since psychopath serial killer Randy Watts had escaped and eluted everyone. His last sighting was at The Arrow biker bar. It was like he dropped off the face of the Earth. They haven't found any evidence or any eye-witness that might lead to Randy Watts. The alarm clock rang to wake up Lily. She got up and cut off the alarm clock. Lily sat up and noticed that Greg wasn't in bed with her. Lily got out of bed to find where Greg was at.

Lily looked in the bathroom he wasn't there. Then she checked in the living room he wasn't there either. She then went into the kitchen there he stood cooking breakfast. Lily smiled then went to the bathroom to take a shower. Lily grabs fresh pair of under wear and bra. It didn't take Lily long in the shower. Lily got out and dried off. Then she put on her underwear and bra.

All the sudden Lily got that weird feeling again. Lily had been getting this feeling off and on for the past 3 months. She couldn't shake it off. Then she went to her closet to find something to wear. Lily decided to go with purple v-cut vest with white button shirt underneath and faded blue jeans. Lily chose white sneakers to go with the outfit. She got dressed and went into the kitchen where Greg was at.

"That smells good," Lily said. "Thanks. It's my first time making chocolate chip pancakes," Greg replied. Greg plated the pancakes and sat them on the table. Greg grabs two glasses and got the milk out. He pours the milk and put it on the table. They both sat down and started eating breakfast. "Wow the pancakes taste good. You did a great job on them," Lily said giving Greg a comment. "Thanks I'm glad they came out good," Greg replied while smiling.

When they were finished eating Lily decided to clean up. "I'll clean up the kitchen and you go get ready for work," Lily said. "Ok be back in a flash," Greg replied. Greg went to the bedroom and changed for work. Lily started cleaning up. She grabbed the plates and glasses. Lily headed to the sink to rise off the plates and glasses. She also garbs the mixing bowl. When she was down rising off the mixing bowl, plates, and glasses she put them in the dish washer.

Lily grabs a sponge and wet it. Then she went to the griddle to clean it off. When Lily was done Greg came into the kitchen. Then Lily had a nauseous feeling like she was going to throw up. "What's wrong honey?" Greg asked looking concerned. "I'm going to be sick," Lily replied. Then Lily took off running to the bathroom. She had made it to the bathroom just in time. When she was done she flushed the toilet and went to the sink to brush her teeth again. Greg came in the bathroom to see if she was alright.

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