Chapter 9: A Shocking Development

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Lily was sitting there crying her heart out. She was thinking what Randy was going to do. Lily couldn't believe that Randy kidnapped another woman already. She was thinking about why he kidnapped her. Lily looked at Katy Lopez sitting on the other side of the room. She was thinking that Katy Lopez looked so familiar to her.

"You look so familiar to me. Have we met some where?" Lily finally said. "I don't think so," Katy replied. Lily couldn't put her finger on it. She had wished she knew where they had meted Katy at. Then Lily remembered the last victim. She kinda looks like the last victim that Randy had took. Lily never got the name of the last victim. "I think I know where I've seen you at," Lily said. "Ok enlighten me," Katy replied.

"You're the last victim that Randy had kidnapped. That's how you look so familiar to me," Lily said. "Yeah I think your right. You must be Lily Taylor who helped with the case," Katy replied. "Yeah the one and only but how did he get you again. I thought you moved away with your boyfriend John Cullen," Lily said. Katy started to tear up. She couldn't help but too tear up.

"Well it started when Randy had escaped from prison. My boyfriend John and me were finally setting back into routine when I got a blocked call on my cell," Katy said. Lily got up to go sit with Katy. All Lily could do but to stare at Katy as she told her story of her brutal kidnapping for the second time Lily had felt sorry for Katy because she got kidnapped twice.

"Then the eerie feelings had started again in my house. When I was home alone it felt like never being completely alone," Katy continued. Then Lily went to put her arm around Katy to try to comfort her some. It's all she could do since she was in the same situation with her right now. "It felt someone was watching me all the time. Then on the day the most horrifying thing happened," Katy said tearing up. "What happened?" Lily asked looking concerned for her.

"Well it was a peaceful day with John. We were both had the day off from work. Later we were getting ready for our romantic evening together. Then Randy appeared out of nowhere expect he wasn't alone. He had two other people with him. He had ordered the other two people to tie me and John up," Katy said. Lily had tears coming down her face. "What happened next," Lily said. "He made me watch while he stabbed John multiple times. Randy had killed John in front of my eyes. Then he hit me in the head with a gun. When I woke up I was here," Katy said.

By the time Katy was done telling her story she had tears rolling down her face. Lily gave Katy a hug but it won't be long before Randy sets his eyes on her. Lily was thinking that Randy could have easily killed Greg but he didn't. Lily looked closely at Katy she noticed that Katy was covered in bruises and scratches. "OMG did Randy did this to you?" Lily asked with fear in her voice.

"Yeah he did," Katy said with fear in her eyes. "How long has he been doing this to you? Did he do anything else to you?" Lily asked in a shaky voice. "He started kicking and hitting me after a day when he brought me here. Yes well.... He sometimes forced himself on top of me," Katy replied. Lily's face went white as a ghost. Lily couldn't believe what he just heard. She needed to get out as soon as possible. Lily had hoped that Greg and the rest of the team will find her soon.

"Do you have a boyfriend or a family?" Katy asked nervously. "Yeah I have a boyfriend and I have my cousin visiting me. I have a feeling she probably freaking out now," Lily replied. "I hope you don't mind me asking what your boyfriend's name?" Katy asked. Katy hadn't seen another face in a while besides Randy. "Not at all you had met him actually. His name is Greg Sanders," Lily replied. Katy remembered that was the guy who helped her to put Randy away.

"How did Randy kidnapped you?" Katy asked nervously. Katy had looked at Lily. "Will it was close to your kidnapping. I had the same eerie feelings and had the feeling being watched. On the day he came out of my closet. The other guys knocked Greg out. He had used chloroform to knock me out," Lily replied. Lily had missed Greg so much. Lily looked around the room to see if there was a possibly for an escape. There were two small windows but not big enough for a person to fit though. "What are you doing?" Katy asked. "Looking for a possible escape but not having any luck," Lily replied.

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