Chapter 13: The Honeymoon

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Greg and Lily got their seats on the plane. Lily was a little worried about flying. "Hey are you okay?" Greg asked. "Yeah a little scared of flying," Lily replied. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm here with you," Greg said while grabbing Lily's hand. "Thanks for comforting me. This is my first time on an airplane," Lily replied. "How did you get to Las Vegas?" Greg asked. "I drove all the way to Las Vegas in my car," Lily replied. "Ok think like you are swimming in the ocean with all the fish that are down there," Greg said. "I think that can help," Lily replied.

Finally the airplane took off to its destination. Greg and Lily were on their way to Honolulu, Hawaii. Lily looked out of the window seeing Las Vegas getting smaller by the second. "Wow everything looks so small from an airplane," Lily said. "Yeah it does," Greg replied. "Its beautiful seeing Las Vegas up this high," Lily said. "Looks like you are going to be flying more often," Greg replied while smiling. "Damn straight," Lily said. "You might want to try to get some sleep. It will be a while before we land," Greg said. "I will try but I'm not making any promises if I can't sleep," Lily replied.

Greg and Lily tried to get some sleep on the airplane. 2 hours into the flight Lily couldn't sleep anymore. Lily unbuckled her belt and got up to get her book and iPod from the compartment above. She tried her best not to wake Greg up. To no avail when Lily got back into her seat Greg woke up. "Sorry if I woke you," Lily said. "It's ok I couldn't sleep anymore. So what book are you reading?" Greg replied. Lily gave a sigh of relief. "The Iron King by Julie Kagawa," Lily said. "I can tell you are getting restless," Greg said. "Yeah just a little I'm ready to see Hawaii and have fun with you," Lily replied.

Greg got up and got his laptop from the compartment. It was another 3 and a half hours before they landed in Hawaii. Greg and Lily got off the plane and got their bags. They went outside to catch a cab. Greg flagged down a cab and they put their bags in the trunk of the cab. Greg and Lily got into the cab. "Where to?" the cab driver asked. "Turtle Bay Resort," Greg replied. The cab took off to the resort. It was a 30 minute drive to get to Turtle Bay Resort. They got out of the cab and got their bags. Greg paid the cab driver and went inside.

"Wow this place is beautiful," Lily said. "Yeah it is. That is why we came here for our honeymoon. I knew it would be a good place," Greg replied while smiling. "It's perfect," Lily said. They went to the front desk. "Can I help you?" the front desk clerk asked. "Yes we're here to check in," Greg replied. "Ok what is your name?" the front desk clerk asked. "Greg Sanders," Greg replied. The front desk clerk typed the name in the computer. "Here we are you booked the honeymoon suite for two weeks," the front desk clerk said. "That's correct," Greg replied.

"Here is your card key to your room. Enjoy your visit," the front desk clerk said. "Thank you," Greg replied. The bellhop took Greg and Lily too their room. The bell hop left them to their room. Lily was breath taken by the view from the room. "Lily are you okay?" Greg asked. "Yeah I'm okay the view is breathe taking," Lily replied. "Yeah it is," Greg replied.

When Lily looked at Greg she knew the look he was giving her. "I know that look you are giving me," Lily said while smiling. "Yeah what are you going to do about it," Greg replied while smiling. "How about this," Lily said. Lily went to Greg and started kissing him on the lips. "Yeah I think that could help," Greg said. "I don't think I will be sleeping anytime soon," Lily replied.

Lily kicked off her shoes. Greg did the same. Then she took off her shirt she was wearing. Lily help Greg take off his shirt. Greg helped Lily to take off her pants. Lily then kicked off here pants off. Greg dropped his pants to the ground. Greg started kissing Lily passionately. They couldn't keep their hands off each other. Lily playfully removed Greg's boxers. Greg playfully picked up Lily and put her on the bed. Greg removed Lily's underwear. Then he started kissing her down to her stomach.

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