Chapter 8: Missing Link

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15 minutes later Greg woke up woozy. Greg stumbled to get up. He had a massive headache. Then Greg started to look around for Lily. "Lily are you here," Greg shouted. Greg was getting very frantic he couldn't find Lily any where. Greg then grabs his cell phone to call Caption Brass. He was very worried about Lily.

"Hello this is Brass speaking," Brass said. "This is Greg. Lily had just been kidnapped by Randy Watts," Greg replied in a frantic. "WHAT! This can't be happening. Sending units over now," Brass replied frantic. Brass immediately got on his radio telling the units to head out to Greg's house. Greg called Catherine next to let her know what happened. "Catherine he got Lily," Greg said in frantic. "Calm down who's got Lily?" Catherine replied. "Randy Watts just kidnapped her. He wasn't by himself. He had help with the kidnapping," Greg replied still frantic. "Ok I'm on the way there," Catherine said. Catherine grabbed her car keys. On the way out Catherine was stopped by Nick.

"Catherine what's going on? Heard over the radio there was a kidnapping," Nick said. "Yeah there has been a kidnapping. Randy Watts just kidnap Lily. Get Ray, Sara, and Grissom and head to Greg's house," Catherine replied. There was shock in Nick's face when he heard that one of his friends had just been kidnapped. "That son of a bitch is going to pay for doing this," Nick said. "Now hurry gather up the team," Catherine said.

Nick went to find Ray, Sara, and Grissom. Nick found Ray in his office looking over a recent case. Nick went into Langston's office. "Ray Catherine is gathering up the team. Lily had just been kidnapped so we are heading to Greg's house," Nick said in a panic. "Can't believe it on my way," Langston replied. Langston got up and left his office. Nick then found Sara talking to Grissom and Emily. "Hey Nick what's wrong?" Sara asked. Sara had seen the panic in Nick's face.

"Lily had been kidnapped by Randy Watts. Catherine wants us at the crime scene," Nick replied. "Where did it happen at?" Grissom asked. "At Greg's house," Nick replied. Then Grissom looked at Emily's face he could see that she was panicking. "Emily you need to stay here. Do you know if Lily has any relatives alive?" Nick said. Emily had to think for a second. "Besides me she has a brother who lives in South Carolina," Emily replied. "Contact him let him know what's going on," Nick said.

Nick, Sara, and Grissom headed to the scene of the crime. When they walked in they saw Greg talking to Caption Brass. When Greg was done talking with Brass he saw Nick. "Hey Greg what happened?" Nick asked. "Somebody hit me from behind. Randy Watts kidnapped Lily at gun point," Greg replied with panic still in his voice. "Looks like he used chloroform to knock out Lily," Catherine said holding an evidence bag that contains a cloth. "She never had a chance to escape from him," Sara said. "What's wrong Greg," Grissom asked. "I was just thinking that Lily saying that she felt someone was watching her for months now. I didn't think too much of it at the time," Greg replied.

"Hey Greg do you have an attic?" Sara asked. "Yeah I do," Greg replied. Greg showed Sara where the attic entrance was at. Sara and Catherine went up to the attic. They were looking around when they found a couple of TVs, VCRs, and cameras. "Can't believe it this sick psychopath has been watching them," Sara said. Greg was on the couch in deep thought. Greg wanted to find Randy Watts and kill him for kidnapping Lily. Nick went into the kitchen and got Greg some water. Nick handed the glass of water to Greg.

"Just today Lily had found out that she was pregnant," Greg said stirring out. "What you were going to be a father. I just know we are going to get her back man," Nick replied. "Yeah she was almost a month pregnant. I hope that he don't harm her in any way," Greg said. "Hey guys you might want to see this," Sara said. The guys got up and headed to the attic.

They went up the stairs to the attic. Sara went to the area where Randy was watching them at. Greg looked at the equipment that was laying there. "How did he manage to get all this things in here without being notice?" Greg asked. "Don't know Greg. He must been staking out to find a right time to come in," Sara replied.

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