Chapter 10: A Happy Reunion

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Greg paced around in the car garage wondering if he is going to find Lily. Nick walked off to get a couple cups of coffee. Nick came back and handed one of the cups of coffee to Greg. "The whole kidnapping is stressing you out," Nick finally said. "Yeah it is. I'm going crazy. I'm been wondering if she is alive or dead. And we didn't given into Randy's demands," Greg said sipping his coffee. "I understand you probably would do anything to get her back," Nick said. Greg and Nick in silence drinking their coffee.

10 minutes later Greg and Nick went back inside of the crime lab. They went back to the where they were unloaded the evidence. "Are you okay?" Sara asked. "Some what I'm ready to get that bastard Randy," Greg replied. "Is there anything we can do?" Nick asked. "Yeah Nicky you can fingerprint the cameras. See if you get any print besides Randy's. We left the tapes for you Greg. Take them to Archie. He will help if you miss anything," Catherine replied.

"Ok thanks," Greg replied. "Ok guys lets get processing," Catherine said. The team grabbed each piece of evidence went to their work place. Greg grabbed the video tapes and headed towards Archie. "Hey Greg whatcha got for me today?" Archie asked. "Some tapes that Randy was recording me and Lily with. There might be some video of Lily and me if you get what I'm trying say," Greg replied. "Ok if there is we will get through it fast," Archie said. "Thanks Archie," Greg replied. "No problem," Archie replied.

Greg and Archie started with tape of the first day. Archie and Greg started process the tapes. While watching the tapes it made Greg miss Lily even more. Greg gave out a little groan. "You must miss her don't you?" Archie asked. "Yeah I do," Greg replied. They had to go though 3 months of tapes. It was 6 hours later still Greg and Archie was watching the videos.

Matt Taylor's plane had landed in Las Vegas. Matt got off the plane and headed towards the bag loading area. It was one long flight for Matt Taylor. He got his bag and went outside to catch a cab. It took Matt 5 minutes to get a cab. Matt got into the cab. "Where to sir?" cabman asked. "Las Vegas crime lab," Matt replied. The cab pulled out and went toward the crime lab.

It took 15 minutes to get to the crime lab. Matt got out of the cab and the paid the driver. Matt went inside of the crime lab. "Can I help you sir?" the receptionist asked. "I hope so. I'm looking for Catherine Willows," Matt replied. "I will page her right now," the receptionist said. "Thanks you," Matt said. Matt went to find a while he waited for Catherine Willows.

Then Matt heard an announcement being called for Catherine Willows saying she had a visitor. A few minutes Matt saw a strawberry-blonde woman walking in the reception area. "Hey Judy you said that I had a visitor?" Catherine asked. "Yeah you do," Judy replied. Judy pointed in Matt's direction. Catherine walked towards Matt. "You must be Catherine Willows," Matt said. "Yeah I am. And you are?" Catherine replied. "Oh sorry I'm Detective Matt Taylor. I'm Lily's brother," Matt replied.

"Nice to meet you and please follow me," Catherine said. "You too," Matt replied. Matt followed Catherine to the process room. They walked into the room where Nick was still processing the TVs and VCRs. "Hey Nick this is Lily's brother Matt Taylor," Catherine said. "Hey I'm Nick Stokes," Nick said. Nick shakes Matt's hand. "How is the case coming along?" Matt asked. "It's coming slowly. We still don't have any leads," Nick replied. Greg came in the room after watching all the videos.

"What you got Greg?" Catherine asked. "Not much. There wasn't much on the videos," Greg replied. "You must be Greg Sanders?" Matt asked. "Yeah I am," Greg replied. "My sister can't stop talking about you when she calls. By the way I'm Matt Taylor," Matt said. Matt had shakes Greg's hand. "I finally get to meet you but wished it was under better circumstances," Greg said. "Same here," Matt replied.

"Do you have any useable prints on the TVS and VCRS Nick?" Catherine asked. "There were a lot of smudges and only a few useable prints," Nick replied. The team was getting frustrated with the lack of evidence. There was not much evidence that would lead them to Randy's hideout.

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