Chapter 4: The Break In

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from CSI. I do own Lily Taylor, Emily Hernandez, and Randy Watts.

Nick started to process the door handles for any finger prints. Nick had lifted several prints that came off the door handle. Catherine looked around the house for any evidence that was left behind. "Hey Greg came here for a second," Catherine said. "Alright I'm coming," Greg replied. Greg walked to where Catherine was standing. "Does anything look out of place?" Catherine asked. "No not really. Everything looks like it did when we left for our date tonight," Greg said. "I have to say that is very strange for a break in," Catherine said with a confused look.

"Hey Catherine I got several prints on the door handle," Nick said. "Ok Nicky why don't you go back to the lab. See if you can get any hits in AFIS from the prints you just got," Catherine said. "Ok Catherine see you back at the lab," Nick replied. Nick got into his vehicle and drove back to the crime lab. When Nick got back to the lab he went to processing the prints. "Ok Greg I'm heading out. Get some sleep," Catherine said. "Ok see you tomorrow at work. Goodnight Catherine," Greg replied. Catherine walked out and closed the door behind her. Lily went to give Greg a hug to calm him down. "Thanks Lily that helped alittle," Greg said. "How about we both jump into the shower and then go to bed," Lily suggested. "That sounds good right about now," Greg replied. Lily and Greg went towards the shower.

Catherine got back to the lab. "Hey Catherine I got the results from the prints," Nick said. "What did you get Nick?," Catherine replied. "Couple prints were Greg and Lily. Then the other prints were Randy Watts. Its looks like he knows where Greg lives at," Nick said. "That is not good. We have to keep a close eye on Greg and Lily," Catherine said. Catherine called Captain Brass to fill him in on the break in. "Are you positive that Randy Watts had broken into the house?" Brass asked. "I'm absolutely positive. Nick pulled a couple prints that matched to Randy's prints," Catherine replied.

What they didn't know was that Randy placed video cameras around the house. Lily and Greg got out of the shower. They dried off and put their pjs on. "I think the bed is calling me," Lily said smiling. "Yeah me too," Greg said. Both of them hoped into bed.

It was a couple hours later. Lily was tossing and turning in bed. Lily was having a bad nightmare. Lily's nightmare: Lily was in a dark room. Somebody had tied her up. Then suddenly a door opened. Lily looked at the opened door to see Randy standing there. She couldn't believe that he had kidnapped her like he promised he would do.Then Lily woke up screaming. She had woken Greg up.

"What's wrong Lily?" Greg asked. "Just had a bad nightmare," Lily replied. "What was it about," Greg said trying to comfort her. "I was kidnapped by that sick bastard Randy," Lily replied. "Everything is going to be ok. Just try to go back to bed," Greg said while hugging Lily. They went back to sleep.

It was the next day Greg couldn't wait to go to work. Greg and Lily got really for work. They got into Greg's car and went to the crime lab. Greg was walking down the hallway when he saw Nick. "Hey Nick. Did you find out the prints belong too?" Greg asked. "Yeah I did. You are not going to like it. [short pause] They belong to Randy Watts," Nick replied. "You got to be kidding me. That psychopath broke into my house. How did he even find where I live at," Greg angry said. "Calm down I know you are mad. We are going to catch that son of a bitch," Nick said. "Thanks Nick," Greg said. "No problem," Nick replied.

Greg went to tell Lily the news about the prints. He ended up founding her in her lab. Lily saw Greg walking into her lab. She saw the worry look he had on his face. "What's wrong Greg?" Lily asked. "Do you remember the prints Nick lifted last night?," Greg said. "Yeah what about them," Lily said worrying. "Well they belong to Randy Watts," Greg replied. "Oh my god! You got to be kidding me. I can't believe he broke into our house," Lily said. "I know," Greg said.

Greg and Lily were in shock to find out that Randy Watts broke in into their home. The whole crime lab were in high alert. They planned to keep an eye on Greg and Lily. They never expect that Randy was going to do what he had said.

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