Chapter 2

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-:Aahh what a beautiful evening today, it is actually rare to have such a bright moon in London isn't it James?:- asked the young man to his companion;-:I indeed agree Master:- answered he with elegance.Both of them were sitting on the seats of the carriage heading to the Middleford mansion. -:Finally after solving all those investigations they invited us to a party:-.-:Master I remind you that this party is also part of your job:--:Yeah, but I just wanted to relax a bit, being the queen's watchdog has given me a lot of points in high society but I have to stay constantly focused:- he huffed looking out the window. The young man made such a sullen face that even his companion could not resist having, however small, a laugh -:Hahaha:--:Hey James what's so funny?:- asked the butler with a raised eyebrow and a smile on his lips.-:You always amaze me Master:--:I must have been really good to have amazed a demon like you:--:We are talking about Count Richard Moonlight:-.-:Woh take it easy on the praise Jimmy, you're not flirting with me:- the Count defended himself. After this particularly ridiculous scene, they both bursted out laughing.--------------At the entrance, guests showed the invitations to enter, and their names were announced so that those who had arrived would be known.Inside the mansion were guests of the highest social class who enjoyed chatting and dancing in a well-kept and decorated room.A young, handsome, solar man with wavy blond hair, dark green eyes wearing a red lace jacket and black pants entered accompanied by his butler, also a handsome, well-groomed-looking man with black, wavy hair, all backwards, light brown eyes and dressed in black.Richard allowed James the freedom to do what he wanted and went looking for the birthday girl.-:Lizzy! What a lovely party they threw for you, I would not have expected anything better for my beloved!:-.Elizabeth warmly greeted her betrothed wrapped in a light blue gown with pink bows and her blond hair gathered halfway up her head with ringlets falling over her shoulders.-:I'm sure your have part in th--:-the girl did not finish her sentence that a kiss interrupted her. Richard had caught her off guard. He slowly broke away from her and handed her a small box.Elizabeth opened the gift and inside, a diamond necklace began to sparkle before her eyes. The girl could not contain her happiness and hugged Richard.-:May I have a dance milady?:- asked he, still holding her in his arms.-:Oh absolutely yes my love:-.-------------------The evening was going great when the concierge loudly called out the name of one last guest.-:I would like to announce the arrival of Count Ciel Phantomhive:-.A handsome man with dark hair that shone in the light with blue highlights, blue eyes and one of them covered with a blindfold was dressed in an elegant black costume. He walked through the door with a black raven on his left shoulder and had a calm, indeed cold look on his face, not subdued by the amount of people in front of him.Elizabeth could not believe her own eues and it seemed to her as if time had stopped.In front of her, not far away was her first love, the boy for whom she had always done everything she could to make happy, now grew into a tall, handsome man.

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