Chapter 7

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-Ciel--:Sebstian, get out, I need to be alone, I need to think -:-.There he is looking at me in that strange way, like amazed and angry at the same time, sometimes neither I can understand my butler -:Are you deaf? Get out:- I repeat to him.-:As Bocchan wishes:-.Oh finally, he's gone! I can't take it anymore! How long has it been since I came here? I need to feed myself. Constantly drinking tea with Finnian only weakens me. I'm going out tonight to find some souls to eat. It sucks to be a demon.Yet I am one, but I still can't stomach the fact that I have to devour people's souls and hearts..heart...That's right! THE HEART!I have to make Lizzy's heart mine! Now that I think about it, she is so pure and innocent, she has the soul with the brightest light I have ever seen in these twelve years, she is beautiful, kind, sincere and generous.Just thinking about it makes my mouth water, I wonder how her blood will taste, how her soul will be in my mouth...I'm just dying of curiosity. Aaah heavens! I need to get a grip.When it comes to such rare prey even I can't contain myself.Bravo Sebastian, now I understand why he always demands victims of a certain quality, not only are they delicious, but they fill the body with an extraordinary power. What time will it be? 6:47 p.m...still too early, but I don't feel like being locked up here one minute more.I get up and put on my coat, grab m coat and run toward London. In less than twenty minutes I have arrived in the city. To think that by carriage it would have taken me more than an hour just makes me sick to my stomach.London has been swarming with people lately, don't these people have anything to do but stay out of the house all day?I head to the Middleford mansion. Certainly not to pay a visit, but rather to study the area better. I remember that Edward cared a lot about his sister's safety, so I wouldn't be surprised if I find some traps for possible 'male' attacks. In such cases it is always better to be preventative.-Narration-Ciel finished studying the area surrounding Lizzy's mansion and with a placid step walked away from the mansion when suddenly he heard his name being called -:Cieeel:-.It was Elizabeth's voice. She was wearing the dress he had gifted to her.He turned to the girl and smiled at her with and made her blush.-:Lizzy, you are gorgeus:- he praised her and gave her a kiss slightly above her hand.-:Oh thank you, but the credit goes all for the dress you gave me, I don't know how to thank you, it's wonderful:--:I don't need you to thank me, you know I always wanted you to feel good no matter what you do or wear:-. Those words brought memories of all kinds to Elizabeth's mind, and as she stared at Ciel in her uncovered eye, she was mesmerized by that blue sapphire shining in front of her and warm tears rolled down her cheeks. -:Why are you crying Lizzy? If I did something wrong tell me right away:-.-:Oh no, you haven't done anything Ciel, it's just that...:- sweet Elizabeth wouldn't stop sobbing but she pulled herself together and began to speak again -:it's just that, I missed you so much, even Edward was worried about lef without saying anything and-and I didn't know what to do anymore.... May I..may I ask you something Ciel?:- she asked her slowly bouning back. The Count looked at her and invited her to sit in a quiet place where they could speak. On the street everyone would eavesdrop and Ciel could not stand bad tongues.They sat down in a cozy and intimate looking inn with music accompanying the warm atmosphere.Ciel helped Elizabeth sit down and ordered for both of them -:.and mind you, the Herbal Tea of Rosehips, I would like it to be of good quality:-, he concluded seriously, the waiter bowed and went to give the orders. At that point Elizabeth smiled -:You have not changed at all Ciel:-.-:Should I take that as a compliment?:-  asked he sneeringly.-:I think so:--:Then thank you milady:- he smiled with a bit of mischief on that perfect-lipped mouth. Elizabeth had to moove somwhere else her gaze.-:Since it's evening, I'll take the opportunity to have dinner with you, and then on your birthday I promised you we'd meet again:-  told Ciel without letting her eyes out of his sight.-:So you remembered? I thought we would never meet again for how long it has been since that evening:-.The orders came and the evening passed quietly, the two were both at ease.-:I know that in a week there will be a wedding between you and Count Moonlight:-. The girl gasped but did not flinch -:Oh, ah yes, that's right, I still don't believe it either:-  answered she with a small nervous laugh, but as soon as she saw that Ciel was serious, she stopped acting naive -:Um..what are you going to do?-:Well, I have been invited, so, unless there is something really important that prevents me from coming, I will come:- . His voice was calm but deep down Lizzy could tell that Ciel was sad. -:Ciel, does my marriage bother you?:- and she immediately regretted asking that question. Ciel stared at her for a moment and sighed.-:Listen to me well Elizabeth, I have not been in London for more than ten years and if you are going to marry Richard, you will do it because that is how it should be:--:That doesn't answer my question:- she added.Ciel took a sip of his tea. 'Disgusting', he thought, and replied.-:No, your marriage does not bother me:- he concluded seriously:-: and know that for whatever reason you need me, I will be there for you Lizzy:-.Elizabeth looked at him confused but remembered why they were in that restaurant. -:Ciel, earlier, when we met I wanted to ask you a question...:--:Ask away:- the Count reassured's rude of me to ask you so out of the blue....but....where..where have you been all these twelve years?:-Ciel remained quiet, he knew that sooner or later someone would ask him and he certainly could not answer that he had become a demon and was living in the underworld.-:I've been around the world:- he said, turning his tea over in his cup.That answer so lacking in substance did not convince Elizabeth who obviously wanted to know more -:What do you mean around the world? For twelve years you've only been back and forth outside England?:-she asked visibly annoyed.-:If you put it that way:- he replied, resting his face on his hand.-:But why?:--:When I had investigations to solve outside England I began to realize that I liked to travel on my own, so I decided to leave with Sebastian away from London. It was stupid of me not to say anything to anyone but the servants, I admit but...everything happened so unexpectedly that even I didn't realize what I had done:-. Ciel replied calmly and elegantly. Lying had never been difficult for him and now that he was a demon his lies were more believable thanks to the persuasive powers he had. He knew immediately that he had hit the jackpot when he read the conviction in Elizabeth's eyes.-:It is late now Lizzy, let me walk you home:-.-:Gladly milord:-The two walked out of the restaurant and strolled to her residence. At the gates, however, there was someone waiting for her.-:Elizabeth, it's 10:30 in the evening, I didn't know where to look for you!:-. Edward was agitated and worried about his sister, who immediately calmed him down -:Take it easy Eddy, I was accompanied all the time by Ciel:-.At that sentence Edward was stunned and his eyes widened -:Are you telling me that this here is Ciel?!?:-he shouted pointing at him, -:That Ciel? That little blindfolded dwarf you were engaged to a long time ago!?!?:- shouted louder.Ciel remained impassive, as far as he was concerned, Edward was always going to be his usual idiot self, but to be insulted by him he just wouldn't accept it -:Who did you call little blindfolded dwarf? At least have the dignity of thanking me for accompanying Elizabeth home:-the Earl shushed him with seriousness.-:Ah...excuse me Ciel it's just- you have changed a lot, physically I mean, you are tall and sturdy now,no one would have recognized you:- muttered the other.-:That's because you big brother:- added his sister -: you can't really see how people look like, I recognized him easily:- shushed Elizabeth in a reproachful tone.-:Well, ending aside, Elizabeth thank you for spending this evening with me, I hope I can see you again, I have a couple of things to do now, with permission sir and madam:-.At that point the Earl left without even hearing any greetings from Edward and Elizabeth.The streets of London were completely dark and there was complete silence, a silence that was frightening. The diabolical Earl set out in search of souls, he was so hungry.At a certain point he smelled numerous inviting souls. Sure, he was hungry but he had not gone so far as to attack without thinking.With a felicitous step he followed the scent of one of them and saw a girl about 18 years old. She was poor and was sitting on the ground leaning against the wall under a bridge to take shelter. Ciel approached her and saw her shivering.-:What are you doing here girl?-he asked her coldly.At the sound of his voice she startled and paralyzed with fear but as soon as she saw the handsome man in front of her, she felt calmer. -:I asked you a question and would appreciate an answer..oh...are you afraid?:-he asked her in a warmer tone.-:I-if I can't stay here sir...t-then I'll leave right away:-she said sobbing.-:Won't you come with me?:- he proposed, extending a hand to her with a mischievous grin and with eyes that were no longer blue but shone a scarlet red. She blushed, accepted his offer and took his hand. -:Take it easy little one, I am here for you:- he comforted her in a warm, persuasive voice. He drew her closer to his body and smelled her scent intensely. The girl did not rebel and let him touch her. At that point the demon grabbed her by the neck and squezzes her chicks, brought his mouth close to hers and bit her lip, which made her bleed. He drank that red liquid greedily and pinned the girl trying to free herself. Finally he stopped but their faces were still very close. He looked at her with red eyes and saw only fear and despair in hers.
 He then began to suck out her soul and drained the body of the girl who fell at his feet. It took a breath of wind for that body to turn into ashes and disperse into the air.-:I hope you were satiated at least for a while Bocchan:- Sebastian had witnessed that scene.-:What are you doing here?:- asked Ciel wiping his lips.-:What you were doing:-he answered him with that almost angelic face of his. Ciel looked at him for a while and smiled as well.-:Well, what can I do...I am simply one hell of an earl:-.

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