Chapter 11

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The first light of day began to illuminate London, and everything around the orphanage was silent, not even the sounds of animals could be heard. Ciel didn't sleep that night; he didn't need to and neither did Sebastian. That night they had studied in depth the informations of the investigation in which they were going to cooperate with Earl Moonlight. Richard had already worked on it a couple of days but completely in vain and now that Ciel had agreed to help him, perhaps, they would be able to come to a conclusion. It was murder, more than one to be precise. The victims were young and whether male or female, all were killed in the same way: their throats were slit, their eyes pierced and their tongues cut out. All this made the two demons suspicious; either the killer was a maniac or it was something much more shady and grim. Even the two couldn't draw any conclusions; much more information was needed.At precisely 8 a.m., Ciel accompanied by Sebastian, stood in front of the police station waiting for his colleague.

Meanwhile in the Moonlight mansion, the master was still dozing with a bit of drooling at his mouth intent on dreaming about who knows what filth. He was still babbling random things when something knocked him violently off the bed, -:CHRIST! THE HEAD!!! THAT HURTS!!!:-he screamed upside down  like a capricious child, yet he was 26 years old.-:Master, this morning you must investigate with Count Phantomhive:-James told him seriously.-:AH! that's right I forgot, but how on earth did I do that?:-said the blond man getting up quickly and dressing hastily.-:Maybe if you'd stop fantasizing about your erotic dreams you could stop waking up late and remember your schedule, you must know that I got tired of standing around washing spit-stained pillows every morning:-, this statement made Richard blush with shame and he began to giggle -:Eehehehe, excuse me Jimmy, but you know I have a weakness for beautiful women:--:I also know that you're going to get married soon, if you don't stop, you will end up having the shortest marriage in the history of England:- replied the butler as he set up the table for breakfast.

The two hurriedly left the house and immediately ran to the meeting place. Obviously Ciel was furious about the delay but tried not to show himself too upset. Sebastian was as impassive as ever but still made it clear that the behaviour of the two had not been forgiven leaving a small amount of anger-filled aura. James noticed this and apologized on behalf of both of them. Leaving aside the greetings, the two Counts immediately set to work and entered the Sotland Yard building without any ohter delay. Right away at the front desk they were targeted, in fact the city policemen never wanted to deal with the queen's watchdog but knew that trying not to have him rummage through their information would only be time wasted.-:Hello I would like to speak with the chief if it is possible:- Richard said quietly and after that they were sent to the latter's office.

On the desk a man in his thirties was sitting and reluctantly accommodated Richard. At his entrance, the comissary was astonished. Seeing Richard for him was more than annoying, but until he had the queen's consent, there was nothing he could do but accept the facts. -:Good morning, how are things going?:- Richard asked cheerfully. Ciel, on the other hand, said nothing and sat in front of the desk  very seriously. The two butlers waited behind them in silence.-:I don't have to answer you Count Moonlight, rather, how come you came accompanied today? A friend of yours wanted to see how normal people live?:- asked the chief ironically. Ciel did not even pay attention to that joke, if it could even be called a joke.

He left the situation in Richard's hands.
-:Well, yes he's a friend but he's here for the case of the deaths that occurred a few days ago, the one where everyone dies the same way.:-
-:At this point let's throw in the baker and the prostitute too, let's make it a state affair where we all settle the investigation with whomever we like! Listen to me Count Moonlight, you can't involve whoever you like in our work, you can't do whatever you like just because of your title!:- blurted out the chief.

An expression of triumph was drawn on Richad's face and laughed a little -:Chief Grallown, don't talk nonsense, I wouldn't abuse my title even if I were paid to do so, and see that you restrain yourself, your role is most important to this town. Haaah! I didn't come here to argue with you but rather to get more information regarding the case, now you have something or not?:-. Grallown recomposed himself but despite this, he had nothing new to say to the Count Moonlight, which made him feel bad because it would be yet another proof of Scotland Yard's inefficiency.-:Well your silence makes me realize that I've come to disturb you in vain, I'm very sorry, then I guess I'd better excuse myself. Goodbye chief:-said Richard amused.-:Gee...:- huffed Ciel a little irritated.Richard looked at him piercingly, -:Come on don't take it to heart, police people are never good for anything, I bet it happened to you too didn't it?:- the blond consoled Ciel with a big smile on his face.-:No, it's not that, it's just that we need information no? I didn't want to come to this but there is no other choice..:--:Bocchan is referring to Undertaker?:-Sebastian asked.-:Yes,unfortunately yes:- .- -:Do you know him too? To me, that guy is scary, he's weird and a lot too:- added Richard.

Having arrived at the mortician's location, both guys entered without speaking a word, and let's just say that the place was not much different from the usual. Same dark room, same cobwebs, same graves and same funeral atmosphere. Yes, in short, nothing had changed.
As the four "customers "looked around, a tall figure dressed in black stepped forward. -:Heheheh, good morning Count Moonlight, what brings you here?:- asked Undertaker sneeringly.-:You know very well, I need your infor-:- I CAN'T BELIEVE IT AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! EARL PHANTOMHIVE!!!! SEBASTIAAAN!!!! AHHAAHAHAHAHA I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING BWAHAHAHAHAH WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE HUH???:- the gravedigger interrupted him laughing loudly. -:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OOOOH HAHAHAH:- he continued even louder until he fell on the floor with a sore stomach.

-:Uhm...yo, James, did I say a joke without meaning to?:- asked Richard shocked and confused to his own butler who did not understand as much as himself. Ciel was altered, it was written all over his face. -:Undertaker, my Bocchan and I came here to cooperate with Earl Moonlight, please pull yourself together.:-. Sebastian managed to calm the gravedigger who was still trying to stifle some giggles. -:Seriously Earl Phantomhive what are you doing with your butler here?:- although Undertaker wanted to speak seriously, his face said otherwise. -:Sebastian already told you, just tell us what you know and don't waste our time..(weirdo):- ordered Ciel angrily.-:Fine...hahah..I won't meddle then, what do you want to know?:-
Richard stepped forward -:In the last few days, people, precisely very young boys and girls, all died the same way, do you know anything about that?:-
Undertaker thought about it for a moment making some strange noises now and then. -:Since you have given me a laugh of such proportions today I will tell you eeeeeeverything I know hahaha:- and he walked over to some graves near the entrance and opened the lids-:Look here, they are two boys, they have no eyes or tongue and they have also been slit on their throats, what a pity, their bodies are so soft that they don't even look dead hahah, however, there's more than that:- added the man with a grin on his face. He took both bodies and turned them on their stomachs -:Look...:- Undertaker uncovered their backs and what the others saw was very strange. Except for Ciel and Sebastian. Both were shocked by that small but important detail. -:It can't be...:- barely hissed Ciel who was looking at those bodies in horror. At that point he walked impatiently out of the room for air and to calm himself down. "I don't believe it!" he thought and his head began to hurt. Ciel fell on his knees and clutched his head with his hands; he was angry and frustrated. -:Bocchan!:- Sebastian called him. -:Get it together:-
-SHUT UP!:- shouted the Count at his butler.
-:Bocchan, this shocks me too, but there is no reason to panic, it's not like you to give in to such a thing, and although it will be difficult, you must recover. You are stronger now.:-. Sebastian somewhat consoled his master, who after his words calmed down and stood up.

Richard ran to his aid and asked him if everything was alright.-:Everything is fine, it must have been the heavy air, I have suffered from asthma since childhood:--:Ah gee, next time we'd better be more careful, good thing you recovered:- sighed the blond relieved.It was certainly not the asthma that made him sick, in fact when he became a demon his illness disappeared. Seeing the mark he also bore as a child on the backs of those boys reminded him of the despair he had felt since childhood. The taste of his own blood in his mouth, his body burning with pain, his eyes drowned in tears and his throat emitting nothing but agonizing cries were memories that resurfaced in a second and pierced his mind and heart.

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