Chapter 12

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The two Counts were returning back followed by Sebastian who, despite what had happened moments earlier, did not change his expression. He didn't look worried or angry; on the contrary, he was thinking about something that might clear things for him. As Undertaker was putting the bodies of the victims back in place, James' attention was drawn to one of the clothes of the murdered boys, -:Master, observe:- he called Count Moonlight's attention by pointing to the collar of the shirt. Richard approached him, observed carefully, pulled out a red hair and showed it to his colleagues as well -:That's a very good clue Ciel, there aren't many people who have hair like this here in London so...-, the blond man's words died on his lips when he saw the annoyed expressions Ciel and Sebastian had taken on, both of them seemed almost angry, horrified by that clue.-:Can you explain those faces? Richard asked puzzled but without getting an answer from either of them and turned questioningly to his butler but even he didn't know how to justify that kind of behaviour.
-:Undertaker....who collected the souls of these guys?:- asked Ciel seriously but in a somewhat choked tone of voice.-:Hehehe you really need to ask? I guess you already have an answer to that question hehehehe:- replied the amused undertaker, holding his face in his hands.-:I can't believe I have to deal with that psycho maniac again:- sighed Count Phantomhive.-:At least you, Bocchan, don't have to suffer direct harassment:- Sebastian grumbled in resignation.-:Hey what the heck is going on here!:- Richard blurted out with such force that he made Undertaker fall to the ground and laugh loudly, he was really enjoying seeing the Count confused.-:Richard, I ask you not to accompany me to search this person.l, or rather, I order you:- said Ciel quietly as he headed for the front door and, followed by his faithful butler, left.-:Huh?:- Count Moonlight was more puzzled than before. 'I came to ask you to cooperate and you accepted, now you decide to work alone?'thought Richard.-:M-master, what happened to your face?"- asked James worriedly.-:Jimmy:- he said in a hoarse voice, slowly turned his head towards the demon  and looked at him like a psychopath -:Master?An even more hoarse and frightening voice uttered an order -:Stop them at once:--:As you wish, Master:-James bowed.

With a quick step, James walked out of the gloomy place, leaving his master waiting, and went in search of his two colleagues, who seemed to have vanished into thin air. He searched all the surrounding streets and alleys and the surrounding buildings, but despite this, he could not find them. "Where are they?" wondered the demon, who by now had grown tired of looking for them, even though only a couple of minutes had passed. "I can't even feel Sebastian's aura, is it possible that he managed to disguise himself so well with the weak essence of humans?"'re good Michaelis:- James concluded with a grin on his face and returned to his master who was waiting for him eating biscuits in the company of Undertaker. -:Did you find them?:- asked the Count angrily, although more than angry, with his mouth full he looked like he was about to explode at any moment. James bent down on one knee and lowered his head-:I'm sorry Master, I didn't find either of them:--:AAAAH MAN! I swear the next time I see him I'm gonna punch that well-dressed cyclops!:--:Heheheh, no need to get so upset Count:- laughed Undertaker.-:Huh? What about you?:- asked the blond to the gravedigger who stole the last biscuit.-:Me? I don't have anything to do with it, nothing at all, I'm just saying that maybe Count Phantomhive had his reasons for doing something on his own without your input, right?:--:Huh? You mean he thinks I'm incompetent?:- asked Richard with a hint of disappointment on his face.-:As a matter of fact, he told you so openly before lunch:- said James seriously, making Richard fall into a depression for a second, but he obviously recovered immediately.-:Heheheh, I see that Phantomhive hasn't changed a bit in all these years, anyway Count I advise you to go and continue the investigation, your colleagues won't show up again until they are finished heheheh:-

Richard and James left and went back inside to follow Undertaker's advice who, on the other hand, had a point. Suspending the investigation would only have been a waste of time and accumulation of work but first....-:Oi Jimmy, I'm hungry, let's go eat at some nearby restaurant:-.-:Certainly, sir:-


Sebastian carefully analysed the hair and the smell it gave off so that he could see a trail in the city that could guide him to the original owner. The latter was very faint but very unusual which was an advantage for the two demons who wouldn't confuse the smell of the red hair with that of other people. Ciel jumped into the air making Sebastian follow him without difficulty and moving with astounding speed, they jumped from palace to palace without being seen by anyone. It was not long before they reached their destination, the bell tower of a small church. -:Tell me Bocchan, why did only you and I come here? asked Sebastian.-:Obviously, if Richard had come too, that weirdo would have put his hands on him:-.-:My, my Bocchan, are you concerned about the well-being of a lowly human?:- asked the smiling moor.-:No, knowing that the filthy hands of a Shinigami ended up on my meal makes me nauseous, all the more so if it is a maniac like Grell:--:Actually, if you put it that way...anyway, there's something I'd like to talk to you about:-Ciel looked at his butler with curiosity, from the serious face he had the thing it was about was important. -:Shoot:--:I think I understand how easily James was able to unmask me:-. Ciel stopped short. :-What?:--:He clearly saw the marks on the bodies of those boys:-. At that point Ciel remembered his past and his behaviour from before.-:Y-yes...I remember...what about them?:--:I think it's happening again. I mean the ritual that bound us together years ago:--:But I made you kill everyone present that evening:--:Maybe not everyone was present, or maybe it's just a coincidence, but I think it was the call of the ritual that broke the camouflage we are using:--:I'm not following you:-- -:Now let me explain, when the rebel angels fell from Heaven, they found a way to become directly involved with the lives of humans, and that way is precisely a ritual. Each of us has our own with which we are summoned and as a result our powers are amplified by increasing the essence we give off. They may have tried to do it several times but to no avail as I only heard the call once....which was when James discovered my identity:-All this information was gold for Ciel, who managed to draw a terrifying smile on his face.-:Tell me Sebastian, you can choose whether or not to show yourself in front of those people right?:--:Of course:--:Well, then we'd better hurry up and go to Grell:-.Having said that, Ciel reached the little church and found the Shinigami intent on taking pictures of himself.Grell stopped short at the sight of Ciel. He looked at him in amazement for a while and smiled with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks.
A very loud-:KYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!:- resounded in the surroundings. -:Bocchan! Are you all right?:- Sebastian asked worriedly, but when he arrived, he saw Grell all clinging to his lord and rubbing himself against him.Grell looked at Sebastian, his beloved scarlet-eyed demon who could read his body and emotions had finally returned to him.Another -:KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!:- resounded louder than before.-:S-sebastian! Get them off!:- ordered Ciel choking.-:Yes, my Lord:-And that long-awaited meeting for Grell turned into a violent kick in the face.-:OUCH, Sebby why did you hit me?:- complained the redhead massaging his face.-:First, don't call me that, there is no confidence between us and second, I hit you because you can't afford to raise those maniacal hands on my master:--:HUH? Your master? Him? But doesn't he look like that scary little dwarf you had years ago? Of course you have no imagination at all Sebby, you have disappointed me:-.Ciel was starting to get irritated.-:Grell, that scary little dwarf is me:- the demon with itchy hands chided him.-:WHAT? You've become quite a hunk you know_death~☆:-.It was only two minutes after they had met, and the two demons already couldn't hold them any longer.-However, I came to see you to give you a warning. You and your friends will have a lot of work to do here in London:-.Grell did not understand, he was very confused. What did that charming young man mean by that?

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