Adam 7 minutes in heaven

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You both enter the closet carefully considering the insane amount of jewelry was on Adams moms side of the closet.

"Y/n follow me!"-Adam

He grabs your hand and leads you the the darkest area of the closet. Tho there was a small door with a bright light coming from the inside.

"Adam how fucking rich are you?!"-you
"Insanely rich"-Adam

He leads you into the room and it was love at first sight. Not with Adam but with the kittens playing in the play pen!

"This one's cupcake, this one's Murphy, Chunks, Kc, Corey"-Adam
"No clue, my dad got them for me to keep me company when I'm home alone"-Adam
"Well theyre adorable!!!"-you

You wander around not realizing you where still holding Adams hand.

"Oh sorry!"-you
"No worrys"-Adam

You quickly let go of his hand still feeling the warmth and softness of it.

"Oh and this one's Eminem"-Adam

He pointed to a small white cat which you couldn't help but chuckle at.

You guys spent a few minutes down there playing with the kittens when you realized the time might've been up already. He quickly but carefully leads you out of the room holding hand once again. You weren't mad tho, you kinda liked it.


You turn to your left to see a full sized mirror facing you and Adam.

"God I am so fucking hot"-you
"Are you really checking yourself out In front of me? "-Adam
"Yeah, and you should be happy I found this mirror so you can enjoy my gracefulness even more"-you

You guys chuckle a bit but there was something weird about Adam. Not his voice, or his amazingly long hair, but the thought of him. Instead of a rich little daddy's boy you started to see a kind, caring, loving guy.

"You look really nice, even if you are dressed as a statue"-Adam
"You look really pretty to, even if you look like Dwayne 2.0"-you

Laughter filled the room AND the closet of course.

"Do you like anyone, like be honest, do you?"-You
"Yeah I kinda do, shes really pretty, and funny, and utterly insane, but she's probably my best friend and I can't risk losing her to some small crush, yk?"-Adam
"Yeah I do know"-you
"What about you?, do you like anyone?"-Adam
"Mhm! He's really cool, I mean he's on the hockey team, has an amazing amount of hair, he's really fucking nice and caring, AND HES MY BEST FRIEND TOO! And the best part is he owns a small white kitten named Eminem!"-you

He chuckles a bit before leaning in for a kiss. Tho he leaned in kinda slow, and yk to speed up the process you leaned in too🤷‍♀️.


Charlie opens the door to reveal you and Adam in the middle of the softest kiss like ever.


Connie took out her camera and took One pocket sized picture of you two kissing in the closet.

"GET A ROOM!"- Goldberg
"I had a closet🤷‍♀️"-you

You guys break the kiss one more time before sitting back down. Tho you could still feel the warmth of his lips and the softness of his hands on your skin.

After the game ended Adam lead everyone into the "secret" kitty room! You all picked a kitten to play with while you and Adam started playing with Eminem.

"Out of all the names, why Eminem"-you
"Slim shady doesn't sound like a cat name does it?"-Adam

You chuckle and lean in to another short but sweet kiss.

You and Adam lay down on the small couch he had in the secret room and shortly after everyone went to bed with the kittens near. You and Adam were snuggling up close having Eminem in the middle of you both as a barrier.

You wake up due to the sound of soft meowing but not from Eminem. It was from Kenny and "his kitten" cupcake.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"-Kenny
"Yeah, you did, but whatever I couldn't sleep anyway"-you

You softly leave Adams soft grasp and sit on the floor with Kenny.

"So are you and Adam like dating?"-Kenny
"Hopefully, or I kissed him twice for nothing"-you

You guys must've woken up Goldberg whose loud yawn woke up almost everyone else.


Her strange yet relatable comment made you and Kenny and everyone else chuckle. Adam slowly woke up and picked up Eminem so he could play WITB cupcake. He slowly sat down next to you.

"If I where to ask you to be my girlfriend would you say yes?"-Adam
"Idk, I mean if we where the last two people on earth yeah, or if we where surrounded my kittens then possibly"-you
"Well then would you "possibly" like to be my girlfriend"-Adam
"Idk, I'm gonna have to talk to Eminem real quick"-you

You slowly realized Eminem was taking a shit so you turned around and looked back at Adam.

"Since Eminem is  experiencing some, difficulties then yeah, I'd love to be your girlfriend"-You

You lean in for one more kiss before being disturbed by Jesse.


Pillows sprung across the room but you and Adam didint mind. It was the best way to celebrate a "newly wed."

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