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INSECURITY-Stutter & Height. He's always been insecure about his stutter since his grandma would always pressure him to be perfect (EVEN THO HE IS!). Ever since he joined the ducks he's been bullied by the other teams all the time saying how "short" and "girlish" he is.
BAD HABIT-Bitting the inside of his cheek.
When he was younger he did it because he always saw his cousin do it. When he got older he'd unknowingly bite the inside of his cheek whenever he has nothing to say or is studying for/doing anything important.

INSECURITY-Weight "too thin." Ever since he was little he had always been "too thin." And was bullied because of it. At the time everyone had been brainwashed because on tv the boys would always be bigger and bulkier. Even tho that happens when he was little he is still insecure about it now that he's in high school.
BAD HABIT-Bitting the skin off of his lips. Guy would always be bothered by something on his lip so the "only choice" he had was to bite it off.

INSECURITY-What people think of him. Once when he was younger a secret of his had spread across the school. Some people hated him and were disgusted by him but other where making fun of him.
BAD HABIT- Cutting people off. He doesn't mean to. It just happens, but he's been trying to stop it tho it doesn't really bother anyone. His brother thinks that he could work on trying to fix it but other than that no one really noticed it.

INSECURITY-His Accent. When he got moved to team USA everyone would chuckle at his voice and straight up billy him because of it. He's been trying to talk more "normal" but you've told him not to because you love his accent.
BAD HABIT-Overworking himself. He will always try to help even when he had tons and tons of other tasks to do. Even tho it's nice you still think he could use a break from it considering some people take advantage of him because of it.

INSECURITY-Being to "talkative". It started off as a harmless joke between her and her old friends like "shh, I think you've talked enough" or "calm down there pinky pie" She never thought nothing of it until high school where she met cheerleaders who she thought liked her. They'd make fun of her and tell her to shut up most of the time so she's developed an insecurity of speaking for a long period of time.
BAD HABIT-Skips lunch, dinner, breakfast. She's never really hungry so she'll usually skip dinner and go rollerblading or out for a walk instead.

INSECURITY-His arms. He claims that his arms are to "big" and that he should start wearing long sleeves shirts or sweaters more often.
BAD HABIT-Stays quiet. He will stop talking for a long time because he needs to keep "concentrated" it was cute at first but then it started getting a tad bit annoying.

INSECURITY- Thinks he's to "Bossy" Sometimes he will let Adam or Julie take over because he's been told by the ducks that he's to bossy and needs to take it less seriously.
BAD HABIT-Picking at his skin. Since he is really insecure about talking when he's quiet he will pick at his skin. He develops Scans and won't let scars heal properly.

INSECURITY- His Smile. When the news broke out that the mighty ducks got 1st place they took a picture of them celebrating. Adam was smiling in the photo so when Adam went back to school people called his smile creepy and scary so that's why he covers his face whenever he smiles.
BAD HABIT-Severe lack of sleep. He's always up thinking about something. Like whose gonna make it to varsity or what he's gonna want to Christmas. It's come to the point where he will stay up till 3am just to wake up at 6am.

INSECURITY-Too "Manly". When she decided to start playing hockey her dad was all for it but her mom didn't think the sport was girlish enough and was too manly. And her mom would also say that her clothes are to manly and how she talks like a guy and all of that stuff.
BAD HABIT-Bites her nails. She doesn't know how she developed bitting her nails she just did🤷‍♀️

A/n Sorry for Julie's last one being kinda short but yeah that's all!

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