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Zac's POV:

I woke up from my nap, rubbed my eyes and seen Fatima looking at me. She looked upset.

"Hey baby... your home early!" I tried to kiss her she moved her head to the side.

"What I do now?" I said sighing.

She threw my phone at me.

"Why don't you check for yourself?"

I went through my messages and seen a text I sent to Karen my ex.

"Babe I-"

"You what?"

"I'm sorry. I don't even remember sending this to her."

"Then I got another msg while I was at work saying why your man texting my phone."
She was folding her arms tapping her foot.

"Zac answer me don't fucking sit there and keep looking at the messages!" She said almost screaming.

I got up and went to her. She backed up.

"I don't know why these women doing this shit. But I'm telling you... I'm sorry."

"Zac don't play w/ me right now. You put a ring on my damn finger and you texting other bitches. You know what? I'm leaving!" She said as she was grabbing her things.

"No no no... baby look don't do this" I said blocking the stairs

"Zac move before I push u down these steps..."

I knew she was serious.

I moved out the way and let her go.

I sighed heavily and jus deleted my messages.


* The Next morning *

Fatima's POV:

I had went to Angela's house. Bryce wasn't there of course.

"Hey girl good morning I made eggs pancakes and sausage if you'd like some..." Angela said as she came by the guest room.

"Thanks. Come here. Please."

She came in the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Have you .... Heard from Bryce?"

"No he's been gone for days... I'm worried."

"Did he tell you where he went?"

"No.. why?"

I sighed.

"He went over to Zac house tried to kiss him and Zac damn near killed his ass."

She sat there in silence for a bit.

"What? Is he okay? Where is he?"

"I'm right here baby!" He said coming into the guest room.

She got up and slapped the shit out of Bryce

"What the fuck Angela?"

"What the fuck me? I should be saying what the fuck to you! Why you kissed Zac? Are you gay?"

He looked at me.

"You told her? Wby Fatima I could've told her!"

"Nigga please no you wasn't."

He was heated

"Yes the fuck I was bitch! And that was me texting you while u was at work!"

Angela slapped him again.

"Don't talk to my girl like that! Get the fuck out I never wanna see or hear from you again."

He stormed out the guest room and slammed the door behind him.

Angela came over to me and cried in my arms.

I thought about what Bryce said.

So was they really talking? Is Zac feeling Bryce or am I going crazy.

I then looked at my ring.

I need to call him.

I told angela I'll be back.

I stepped out the room and called Zac.

"Hello?" He said out of breath

"Why you out of breath?" I said concerned.

"I was working out what's up? Thought you was mad at me."

"Did Bryce ever text you?"

"No I blocked him."

"Oh... okay."

"Why? Where you at?"

"Angela house. Bryce jus came up in here acting a fool Angela slapped his ass twice. And she found out he's basically gay so she kicked him out.  But he said he was the one texting me at work."

"What? Why? He weird son. Very"

"Right. I don't know. Don't let him come by the house I'm pulling up now-"

I heard banging on the other line.

"Zac!! It's Bryce open the fucking door! I need to talk to you."

"Babe.... Zac?"

"Shhh.... Ima call you back."

"Zac no don't hang u-"

He hung up the phone.

I ran in the room

"Angela we need to go NOW!"

She jumped up

"What ? why ? what happened?"

"Bryce is at Zac house we need to go!"

"Okay let's ride out!"


Zac's POV:

I opened the door and Bryce was standing there with a gun in his hand he lifted it up and point it to my chest.

"It's time to die, bitch!"

I immediately grabbed his wrist twisted it and kicked him in the balls he screamed in pain and hit the floor the gun fell out his hand & I kicked it away under the couch.

He tried to crawl and grab it but before I knew it I heard car streaks outside.

Fatima and Angela come running inside.

I was on top of Bryce holding him down as he tried to reach for the gun.

I heard it go off


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