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Fatima's POV:

I grabbed the gun from where Bryce & Zac was laying at. I cocked the clip.

Bryce started laughing

"You don't even know how to use it."

I shot the gun right next to him.

"FATIMA!" Zac screamed.

"Trust me. I know how to use it. What the fuck are you doing here with a gun?" I said still holding it up to Bryce.

Zac got off of Bryce & he stood up.

"Baby... please think about what you gonna do next... okay?" He assured me.

I nodded.

"ANSWER ME BRYCE!" I screamed.

I looked up at Angela she was startled.

"Zac... take Angela upstairs please. She's shaking up"

"Tima..." he said.

"Zac please do it."

"Fine. Come on Angela. Let's go upstairs."

"No... I wanna see this."

He looked at me.

"I was here to talk to Zac..." Bryce started to say.

I scoffed. "With this bullshit ass gun? Nigga please. Get the hell out of here before I called the police."

Bryce got up and stood in front of me.

"Like you would actually do it."

I grabbed my phone out my pocket.

"Bet I won't. I'm THAT bitch, Bryce please try me again. Because the next shot I take I won't miss."

"She right bro you might wanna go while you still breathing..." Zac said.

"My man knows best." I said looking at Zac.

"GO BRYCE!" I yelled again.

He scoffed and walked away but then he turned around and pulled another gun out and shot me in my leg.

I screamed in pain and shot him in the head.

He instantly hit the ground.

"FATIMA!" Zac screamed and rushed to me.

"Fuck! That nigga hit me."

"BRYCE!" Angela said running to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK FATIMA ? Why would you do that!!!!!"

I grabbed my phone and dialed 911

911: hello what's your emergency?
Me: I need a ambulance asap to me.
911: okay they are on the way.

Zac was putting pressure on my wounded leg.

"Angela... I'm sorry okay? But it was the only way he attacked me! You seen it with your OWN eyes."

Angela was crying historically.

Zac looked me in my eyes but I was fading in and out. I immediately passed out.


I woke up at the hospital.


I felt his hand on mines.

"Hey baby... everything is okay. The doctor said you'll be alright. But Bryce on the other hand.... He's dead."

I sighed.

Then I saw police coming into the room.

I panicked.

"Zac... what are they doing here?" I looked at him scared.

"Baby they jus wanna talk to you okay? I'll step outside..." he started to get up and I grabbed his arm.

"No please stay here..." I insisted

"Okay." He sat down.

"Hello I'm detective Marcus and this is my partner detective Rollins. We heard what happened at the apt could you tell me a bit more on what happened?" He said looking at me.

"Okay... um. Me and my husband had got into a fight one night I went to go stay at a friend house. Bryce comes in the room w me and her and started talking crazy. He went to our house when I told Zac don't let him in. He let him in me and my friend rushed to the house and I seen Bryce had a gun. I picked it up and point it at him I wanted him to leave and he wouldn't. He walked away and before I knew it he had a back up and shot me in the leg and I accidentally shot him in the head... and now I'm here and hes... dead"

I sighed I had a bit of tears in my eyes.

"Is that what happened sir?"

Zac nodded

"Okay... thank you. You did the right thing Fatima. I know it was a accident. We won't take you in or anything. Rest up."

I was relieved

I was looking for my phone then I found it.

Angela called me 50 times.

I called her back.

Angela: hi
Me: hey you okay? I got your 50 calls *laughed*
Angela: I'm ok are you?
Me: yea a detective came in and talked to me.
Angela: oh okay... when you coming home?
Me: not sure. You heard bout Bryce?
Angela: yes. It hurts so bad and I can't even believe you. Like fr.
Me: I'm sorry okay? It was for the best.
Angela: for the best? Girl bye get off my phone

She hung up

I sighed in frustration

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