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Zac's POV:

I just laid Xavier down for his nap & my phone started to buzz in my pocket.

I pulled it out & the caller ID says Karen.

I sighed & answered.

Z: hello?
K: hey.
Z: wassup?
K: nothing just wanted to hear your voice.
Z: okay?
K: I found out Fatima... had her baby.
Z: and how you found that out Karen?
K: don't worry about that. Just wanted to call & say congratulations.
Z: thanks.
K: so your marrying her Zac?
Z: Karen... you know this already.. why ask me this?
K: Zac you know I still love you. And I want us to be together.
Z: hmm is that right?
K: yes is that so bad?
Z: yes Karen. We are completely over & I told you that a long time ago! I'm bout to MARRY THE LOVE OF MY FUCKING LIFE. So quit calling me and saying we are gonna be together because there is no US. Anymore!
K: okay since you wanna be like that open the door.
Z: what?
K: yea I'm outside your house. The house we was supposed to be in!

I hung up & just starred at the door.

"Fuck!" I mumbled.

I went to the door & took a deep breath.

I opened it & came outside.

"Karen... your not supposed to be here. My son is inside the house & Fatima should be here any minute so leave."

Karen looked at me with a confused but pissed off look.

"Zac how the fuck can you do this? Do this to us? Was I not good enough for you? What is it?" She nearly screamed in my face.

So I looked her dead in her eyes almost to her soul.

"Karen... I'm not gonna say this again. We are over. There is no us. Did you not remember all the fucked up shit you've said to me over the last 3 years we were together? DID YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT? YOU PUT ME THRU HELL! I FOUGHT DAMN NEAR EVERY SINGLE MOTHERFUCKING DAY TO BE THE BEST MAN I EVER COULD TO YOU. AND NOW YOU WANNA COME TO MY FUCKING HOUSE UNANNOUNCED TALKING ABOUT YOU LOVE ME? Are you fucking kidding me right now &-"

As I looked over Karen's shoulder I seen Fatima.

She looked a bit concerned.

"Hey.. baby." I said.

"Karen... what you doing here?" She said.

Karen turned around.

"Oh I was just coming to see Zac & talk to him."

Fatima folded her arms.

"About what? Karen... leave my house & don't ever come back here again or it's gonna be a fucking problem. My son is in there asleep as Zac clearly stated & seems you don't have no goddamn respect."

Karen looked at me then back at Fatima.

She scoffed and walked off to her car.

Fatima looked at me & rolled her eyes & went in the house.

I followed her inside.

I looked over at Xavier & he was still sleeping.

"Zac... why was she here? Huh?"

"Fatima... i don't know she called me & was fussing about how we not together how ima marry you and not her etc. baby I told her off as you seen..."

"Yeah I seen it. And it scared me. You wanna know why? Because that's how you talk to me & you know I don't take shit light."

I looked at her confused.

"Don't give me that confused look, Zac. Listen I don't wanna fight tonight. I'm tired and wanna lay down." She said as she went upstairs and put her stuff down.

I sighed and sat on the couch & turned on the tv.

I looked over at Xavi as he was sleeping.

Fatima came back downstairs and went towards the kitchen and grabbed her a water.

"Babe... come here." I said as I turned the volume down.

She came over and sat on the edge of the chair.

"Yes, Zac?" She said as she took a sip of her water.

"I'm sorry. And I love you." I said as I got up and walked closer to her.

She looked at me.

"Yeah, okay..." she said as she rolled her eyes.

I sighed in frustration.

"Cmon Fatima. I'm not tryna fight either but you making this really hard."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs.

"Fine I'll jus stay down here with Xavier til you calm down!" I yelled a bit and Xavier started to cry.

"Shit... hey baby boy." I said as I picked him up.

"You want mommy? Yeah?"

I went upstairs and seen Fatima on the bed. I walked up to her and gave her Xavier.

I went back downstairs and watched some tv.

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