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Fatima's POV:

I had woke up from my nap & seen Zac was next to me sound asleep.

I had got up and went to the bathroom & looked in the mirror.

I sighed and was looking at my face.

My eyes were extremely puffy from crying my eyes out about my son's death.

It wasn't what I expected but I had a feeling he wasn't gone.

I looked down in the sink. I felt a arm on my shoulders I looked up and seen Zac in the mirror.

I held his hand.

"You alright?" He asked as he kissed my hand.

I bite my bottom lip, turned around so I could face him.

"I'm fine. But why do I have this feeling he isn't gone?" I asked as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

He shrug his shoulders.

"I'm feeling the same way, baby. But maybe Bryce was tryna piss us off in a way? Not sure unless you wanna call the police and ask-" before he finished it was a knock at the door.

We both rushed downstairs and opened the door.

It was 2 police officers.

"Hello officers... how may we help you?" I asked.

"May we come in?" She asked.

I opened the door a bit more and let them inside.

"Would you like any coffee or water?" Zac asked.

"Yes water would be fine for both of us. Thank you." She said as she sat down on the couch.

I sat next to her while Zac grabbed their drinks.

"So what are you officers doing here at this type of night?" I asked confused.

"Well it's about your son. We believe we found him but we need you to identify." She said as she pulled out a picture from her pocket.

She opened it and showed me.

I looked hard and clear at the picture.

I gasped and it was him.

"Yes that's my baby... Zac come here!" I screamed.

Zac rushed over and passed the drinks out & looked at the picture.

"That's my boy. Is he alright? We both had a feeling he isn't dead." He asked.

"He's fine. He isn't dead. We have him for you to be exact. Mike, go get him please." She said.

I started to tear up. Zac hugged me.

"Here he is." Officer mike said as he brought him in.

He gave him to me. & I cried even harder.

"Oh thank you god! And thank you officers so much for bringing us our baby!" I said crying.

"Your welcome ms Taylor. We had bought him some stuff as well mike placed it by the door. We hope you 2 enjoy & congratulations!" She said & she got up & both officers left.

"Oh baby.... We have our baby boy home! He's so adorable! Bryce thought wrong!" I said crying even more.

"Come here." He said.

I got up & gave him a hug.

He kissed me & kissed his son on the head.

"I love you both so much. God got us forever!" He said as he picked up Xavier & rocked him.

I sighed & watched Zac be a father. It was the most amazing moment. God found my baby & brought him to me. A tear slide down my cheek.

Zac noticed me crying & put Xavier down in his crib.

He walked towards me & put his hand on my leg & gently squeezed it.

"You okay?" He asked as he looked in my eyes.

I nodded.

A sec later Xavier was crying.

I immediately got up & grabbed him. I breast feed him.

I looked over & Zac was sleep.

I sighed & seemed like X was done so I laid him down in his crib. I went to the door & grabbed more of the stuff the officer brought.

I put it on the dining room table & turned the lights off & went to sleep.

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