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The next day I was helping Carol out in the gardens, we didn't talk much but I was familiar with crops and animals as well. 

"Do you know where Carl is?" She asked, looking around. 

"I don't know, we went on a walk last night, he said something stupid, and I haven't seen him since we got home." 

Carol frowned, "Carl is sensitive. He's always been, more so after his mom died." 

I figured Lori died somewhere along the timeline, she was alive at least five years ago but I don't know when she did die. 

"If you don't mind me asking, what did he say?" Carol asks. 

I sigh, "I had an abusive father growing up and Carl never knew I was being abused so when Rick told him the truth the other night, he got mad at me for not saying anything." 

She nods with a frown, "I figured as much, I had an abusive husband who died a year into this, and I had a daughter too who would be around your age now."

 I wasn't expecting this from Carol, she seemed so dominant like no man could contain her if they wanted to. 

"At least you stayed for your daughter, my mom left me to deal with my father alone. She left me at 5 years old with my abusive alcoholic father."

Carol pulls me into a hug, I don't feel a whole lot of emotion surrounding my father other than anger. 

"You didn't deserve that, Alora."

I know, I've known that I was just the unlucky pick of the draw.

We break apart and I look up to her, "Is it bad I wanted him to die, I didn't feel the slightest bit sad when he was torn apart." 

She shakes her head, "No, it's not bad. I was waiting for the day that Ed would die a painful death but the day he did, I never felt so much relief. My daughter and I were safe for once, we were able to interact with others without a hawk watching us." 

That made me feel better, I've always felt that inhumane emotion regarding my father, I was glad he died. I don't wish death on near anyone, my father was the one exception. 

"Carl just doesn't understand that he can't fix the past but he wants me to stay so he can keep me safe," I tell her. 

She hums an approving reply, "He does that, he wants to keep everyone safe. His mother died giving birth to Judith. He was the one to put her to rest, he has very little from his past. You are probably one of the good things he remembers from before the end of the world."

So that's what happened to Lori, I didn't like her but I wouldn't have wished that on her. 

Carol grabs Amaretto's halter and leads him out of the stall, "Do you know how to ride?" 

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